Tired eyes or just overwork?
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Hi ladies i woke up on morning an suddenly d tiredness an blurry eyes came on..i got scared went to d dr an she said sinus ..however am having heavy eyelids an nt sure if its peri or just overwk..can someone plz relate if possible to dis ..a so fed up of these symptoms an rollercoaster life..thanks all
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Stevo100 wendy36287
Hi Wendy36287
I can totally relate to this . I started to get some aching in my right eye in January I went to the GP and on her advice I went for an eye test, to be told that everything was fine and my eyes had improved!! I have a " heavy eye lid" on the right when I'm tired and have a fog type sensation when I wake up which clears as the morning goes on. Really strange I'm not even going to talk to my GP as I don't feel they understand peri x hope that helps
wendy36287 Stevo100
Thank u i jus can't get over d eye thing ia really scary
PeriBarbie wendy36287
Hi Wendy
I've been having menopausal symptoms for years. I'm 50 now. felt like a truck ran over me so went for blood tests. I'd been having usual heavy periods, I mean heavy! twice a month and no surprise blood tests show my iron count is barely 9. Big surprise that has me and Doc scratching head is my fsh level is 7 , can anyone explain this? I've had heavy periods for over 10 yrs. All kinds of hot flashes around 2011. Joint pain, severe exhaustion, bloating around middle. All changes I'd associate with perimenopause. Now I wonder is it the anaemia that has been causing these symptoms all along? I was sure I was through the worst of Perl. Doc says last 3 fsh tests 7.1, 8 and 7 show Im nowhere near menopause. Now im confused. But now i know my body could keep these horrendous periods up potentially for YEARS more,I sure as hell am not putting up with Any more heavy periods. I'm getting an ultrasound next week and based on results of THAT will push for ablation or hysterectomy. My last 10 yrs quality of life has not been great, despite living as healthily as possible, no alcohol, no smoking, eating healthily, perfect weiggt, working out when not on floor with dreadful periods. Im mad as hell and taking action!!!! 💪💪💪
wendy36287 PeriBarbie
pinkcatfairy wendy36287
Blurry watery eyes and intolerence to light are symptoms, I have had them all and they come and go even now x
wendy36287 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy wendy36287
I havent really done much about it, I did buy some eye wash stuff but it was just for tired eyes or something. I think there are eye sprays on the market for dry eyes but I havent tried that. For the sinus I got some decongestant tablets. I find with this eye business it seems to come and go. I havent had dry eyes for months but recently woken up to it again! Same with the allergies! Intolerence to the light seems to have flared up again and I wear sunglasses as much as I can!
wendy36287 pinkcatfairy