Tiredness to much sleep
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after finally getting my hormones balanced I feel happy in myself apart from the fatigue. I don’t let it affect my daily life but I can sleep 8_9 hrs a night and wake up feeling watery eyed and lethargic,I am ok once up, I practice yoga 4 times a week and daily walks and eat a fairly good diet don’t drink alcohol but I do like sugar !.
Does any one feel like this after a good 8 hrs so many my friend have poor sleep and not as much as myself. 😴
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wendy_4261 Guest
What I would give to sleep for 8/9hrs 😴😴😴
Indifferent Guest
I have so many things to catch up on around the house...this house is not what it used to be either. But I will continue to just take this one day at a time. With a lot of naps to get me through. Lol!
Wendy I know all my friends like you they can’t sleep well that is why I wonder how they keep going with so little sleep and me who has allot feel sane as them . I guess we all different x
susane84679 Guest
hi joanne,
I envy you for sleeping 8-9 hours! I have not slept more then 4-5 hours in years. I am constantly fatigued and always feel like I'm coming down with something. I can feel fine and then take a shower or vacuum the floors and then all of the sudden i am bone tired and can't keep my eyes open. it feels like I'm just plain crazy and with everything else maybe i am, lol. i wish you continued happy sleep!
Guest susane84679
2chr2015 susane84679
Ditto what Susanne said!😤
Finny2018 Guest
I am sleeping on average 8 - 9 hours as well (sometimes up to 10 - 12) and yet for the first time in my life I am not popping out of bed - far from it!!!!. I do what is only necessary. My sleep is interrupted by about 3 hot flashes that wake me up tossing and turning - maybe more?
I'm just tired! I don't drink alcohol but I like sugar as well, LOL! This all hit for me awful in June. The tiredness is such a difficult feeling to describe!!! I just got my hormone results and am extremely low on Progesterone. I am staring with a natural progesterone cream to see if this helps with all of my symptoms as I've read many of my symptoms are due to my number being ridiculously low. After reading a ton on this forum - I see insomnia can be awful - so right now I am trying to be grateful for the symptoms I don't have and accepting the ugly ones I do.
Guest Finny2018
That useful knowledge finney as I am on oestrogen only and am starting progesterone 12_14 weeks due this Thursday for 15 days I had to stop progesterone on hrt as intolerant and after scan and biopsy which were all ok I am try this so could be that now not on progesterone tired but when I baxk on again hopefully be better thanks again apart from the tiredness I am fine it’s not to bad compared to many others I read about it’s just as I live a reasonably healthy life and yes we all have some stress in the current climate on this planet hard not to unless we on a dessert island 🤣😂the sun has made’e Feel brighter on a positive don’t want to be all be gloom doom xxx
lori93950 Finny2018
lori93950 Guest
I’m trying to reregulate my clock as going to bed at 8pm means waking up too early but just can’t keep eyes open .
Waiting for my BHRT to fully kick in I’m sure when I’m feeling less nervous and anxious I’ll relax and the anxiety won’t use up all my energy.