Tomorrow I'm going on the vacation I had to cancel last year due to peri symptoms

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This forum is such a lifesaver and such a wonderful place to go for advice and support. I know I have found so much support and peace of mind when reading others have my same issues and have truly made it through some rough patches because of the info on this board. I have also loved finding the posts where women share a positive story and experience. Today, I have one to share!

Last August, me and my family were set to go to Hawaii for a family vacation. Long story short... we had to cancel it because of my severe and debilitating peri symptoms. I was very deep in the weeds last July/August/September. Literally bedbound and the housebound during those months and only left my house to go to the Dr.'s to try and figure out what the hell was wrong with me! It's been 13 months of peri for me. I am now 11 months without a period and am feeling better. Well enough to go on the family vacation we missed because peri had eaten me alive last summer! I know we are all different and have a different hormonal journey, but I hope this post gives some hope that this phase of our lives is not permanent and we will all get better. Last summer I was so lost and sick and terrified I would never feel good or be myself again! I am not 100% myself yet, but I am getting there and so grateful we get to go on this vacation and create some family memories. I truly didn't know if I would ever feel good enough for me to be able to enjoy things again. Hang in there and know this crappy phase will end and we will all be able to enjoy life once more. Hugs to you all! 

7 likes, 13 replies

13 Replies

  • Posted

    So wonderful to hear!! Enjoy your time away from home. It is great news to hear you are feeling better.
  • Posted

    Oh I am so glad to hear this!! Thank you so much for the update. Have an amazing time!! 
  • Posted

    Audra, you brought happy tears to my eyes. SO happy for you! And it is great to think things will get better. It's been10 LONG months of mostly bad days. This forum has often been the only refuge for me. I'm sure many woman would say the same. Thank you for sharing your story. Hope you have a wonderful vacation! Hugs to you. Nancy ?

  • Posted

    Oh That’s wonderful!  Hawaii is paradise, I’ve been before.  Have a safe and wonderful trip!  You deserve it.   ALOHA!  🤗😀

  • Posted

    So happy for you !!! I cancelled my trip to Europe in June as I have been mostly bedbound since April too. 

    Nobody understood what I was going through and why I couldn’t just pull it together and go ... I’m sure you do . 

    I’m on the patch now and can’t wait to feel better and start living life again . It’s been a very dark and depressing time for me as I’m sure it was for you too. 

    Enjoy yourself and have a Mai Tai for me ! 

    Aloha !! 

  • Posted

    Thank you ladies! I will have a fruity drink and send a toast out to the universe for us all to feel like our old selves soon! 😊🌸

  • Posted

    So happy you are feeling better and going to enjoy your family vacation!! Could I ask what your symptoms where? I am going through s horrible time right now!! Lots of pain and depression! Thank you for sharing xo
    • Posted

      Hi Brittay

      my very first symptom was burning mouth sensation. That sent me to my 1st of many many dr appointments. About 6 weeks later out of nowhere I got a sensation of a lump in my throat. That was the symptoms that sent me into peri overdrive. At this point my symptoms started stacking on top of each other. Anxiety, panic, air hunger, burning in my chest, insomnia, nausea, weight loss, fear, dizzy, weakness, total exhaustion and last but not least a frozen shoulder! All these symptoms lead me into health anxiety which sent me to many many dr appointments and blood draws trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Nothing but the frozen shoulder and iron deficiency were ever found. I've just been diagnosed with chronic tonsilitis- that might explain some of the throat issues I've had. I tried BHRT last year but they didn't suit me. Now, my symptoms are my throat still burns  sometimes (tonsillitis) but my ENT will treat it when it gets bad. ** I'll probably end up with a tonsillectomy in the near future. And some tiredness. In general, I'm feeling much better and much more like my old self. I'm 11 months period free and my symptoms have improved the closer I get to menopause. ( knock on wood) I've never had hot flashes or sweats. 

      I am sorry you're having bad symptoms. It is a horrible phase this peri meno mess! I hope you feel better soon. Hugs to you.

    • Posted

      Thank you for responding!! gives me hope that my symptoms will end!! Happy you are doing better!!! Hugs 
    • Posted

      Thank you! I forget to mention I also had a really weird symptom of patches of tender scalp! Like when you wear a ponytail too long. And I also had a burning sensation on my thigh. Like a sunburn or like I had rubbed IcyHot all over it.  I've had some crazy symptoms! Coming to this forum helped me realize I wasn't the only one and made me feel better. 

      Your symptoms will end and you will feel good again! Just hang in there. I hope today is a good day for you.

    • Posted

      Wow you have had a lot of symptoms ! 

      I’ve had a few but the main thing for me is depression and fatigue .. I’m on BHRT and wondered how you knew it didn’t agree with you ... what symptoms did you get on it ? 

  • Posted

    Thanks so much for posting this, so good to hear, good luck to you xxx

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