Too much going on !!!

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Hi all. I'm looking for reassurance from you lovely ladies so here's my story. back in Feb after many many weird symptoms I had blood tests that came back as me being perimenapausal. since then I have suffered more weird symptoms !!! my last proper period was August since then 2 weeks ago I had 1 day of brown blood like the end of a period along side that I went through a stage of having hot flushes which felt like all day everyday for a few months That stopped a few weeks ago and havnt had a hot flush since but I have had really really bad lower back pain,low stomache pain,headaches feeling like I have a constant virus,I'm tired and my legs ache,right rub pain etc etc etc. last fri I had a full blood test and today the doctor told me they were all normal and I'm not in menopause so now I'm having anxiety about weather all these symptoms are perimenapause or not 😔😔😔. I would love to hear wether any of you ladies have experienced any of this . Thank you for reading this I no it's long 🙄

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6 Replies

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    hi BEV

    i have not had a period since last OCT 2017 and not much symptoms until August 2018 when snxiety hot flushes palpations started and my doctor too said it was my anxiety even thou the blood test i had last year shown that i was peri menopausal i dont think gp's know too much about it if i am honest x

    i eventually got yo see the practice nurse and she said straight away it was hormone related , i suppose what im saying is that by what you describe it defo sounds like it to me x

    fo you take anything for anxiety etc

    • Posted

      I don't take any prescribed medication I just take menopace ,evening primrose oil and complete vitamin b complex. I think your right In saying doctors don't no enough about menopause which is frustrating because when you go in there and reel off your symptoms they either think your an hypochondriac or say it's anxiety. I have an appointment on Thurs so let's see what he says then but I no from past experience probably not much !!!! I really don't feel myself anymore and just can't be bothered to do anything anymore 😔😔😔😔

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    I'm now post menopausal but still have terrible joint pains, hot flushes & anxiety.

    I'm booked in for my 2nd hystercopy within 6 months for irregular bleeding [my periods stopped 22 months ago] thickening of the womb & ? polyps or cancerous cells.

    I'm confused as to what is happening to me too.

  • Posted

    I can totally associate with you in fact, I've just posted myself about my frustration with my GP's lack of wanting to know. I went to my own doctor with awful low back ache. No matter how I positioned myself in bed it was there. I was also getting general joint pains, but the back ache was (no pun intended) a real pain. It has eased off now but a week after that I had a horrendously heavy period after not having had one for seven or eight weeks. I can also associate with the total exhaustion, stomach pains and headaches which, when they arrive, seem to last for days. I've had bloods done and a pelvic scan and all seems normal. It seems to me like you and I are both going through pre-menopause but if you are concerned ask your doctor for further tests - I know this isn't down to anxiety, but the peace of mind does help x

    • Posted

      I have actually just read your post lol. I'm just annoyed that iv been told I'm in perimenapause but because I'm not in actual menopause the doctor cannot give me answers as to why I'm feeling all these things x

  • Posted

    Hi Bev, My last period was Aug 27. Day 50 now and nothing, only brown spotting 2 weeks ago, that I would have missed had I not been wearing a liner. BUT, I have been miserable with symptoms the last few days. I haver vertigo and I have been wobbling all over. Yesterday, I had to make a couple of phone calls...I was tingling all over, my legs had that numb feeling. I felt panicky and shaky for absolutely no reason. Joints hurt, bones are snapping and crackling. I feel exhausted. I have Raynaud's and that seems to be back now that the weather is cold.

    I am only on a med for migraines. But the spotting happened last year too when I was not on I do not think it is that. Supposed to start BCP...but since period has not showed up, I cannot...if I do irregular bleeding can happen. I was going to start after the spotting a couple of weeks ago...but apparently that does not count as a real period.

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