Tooth sensitivity

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I've been perimenopausal for at least 6 months, probably longer in retrospect.

Anyway, I've had nearly every symptom known to exist but right now the one that's really bothering me is tooth pain/sensitivity.

I had a filling done a couple years ago and now during the week before my period, that tooth becomes so sensitive to hot and cold that it's ridiculous.

Anyone else?


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Trinity

    I have dreadful sensitive teeth, I use sensodyne rapid relief toothpaste which really helps!

  • Posted

    Hi trinity I too am in perimenopause and have had every symptom in the book I have really suffered with tooth sensitivity the last 6 mths it’s a nightmare I too use sensodyn rapid relief it does help I’m that fed up with one tooth in particular I’m havin it out next week 😏🤗🤗🤗

  • Posted

    Every tooth I’ve had work done on is now sensitive.  It never used to be but since in menopause, it’s beenan issue.  I too use Toothpaste for sensitive teeth.   I’ve also noticed I’ve been clenching my teeth in my sleep which is causing face pain and more teeth pain during the day. 
  • Posted

    I too suffer from it to the point that an endo suggested a root canal on a recently filled cavity. I'm holding off. At this moment it's not hurting. I have noticed an increase in tooth issues, had 2 cavities, 1 root canal, teeth chipping in the last 3 years and I have teeth cleanings every 3 months.

    Ive started taking calcium supplements to see if it helps.

    I cannot believe how poorly my body is reacting to these hormonal changes, I'm 55 and missing this month's cycle so maybe🤞but I'm super depressed.

    • Posted

      My dentist also recommended a root canal on a tooth i had filled a while ago, but was kept wanting me to confirm which tooth was sensitive since the xrays didn't show anything besides the filling. Not sure what i should do. 

      This hormonal change is absolute madness....i never would have thought in a million years all the havoc it could create in my body. Hope you find some relief soon smile

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