Totally exhausted from anxiety
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Hi ladies
I need a bit of encouragement here. Last night was terrible for me. I only fell asleep after 12pm sometime... just to be woken up with a feeling of dread... then I feel my legs feel numb and my body is on fire!! I get up as I hope it will go away... but it does not let up... then I start thinking and my mind tells me ... you have MS!! oh my word then my anxiety levels just skyrocketed through the roof... I was not able to fall asleep again at all... on getting up at 6am this morning I had the shivers and was still terribly anxious and my tummy had to go out... and sorry to say this on forum but my pooh smelled like amonia. What the heck?? My legs still feel numb... let's up slightly now and again...Anybody else ever had such an experience... ?
Any input most appreciated..
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kimberly60059 tamsin00119
I have had similar happen. I used to convince myself that I had ovarian cancer or something else but my symptoms would change and a new one would start. right now my hand is numb and I have blisters in my mouth. it all happens when I'm about to have a period. for a while all my BMs were green like baby BM and my stomach always hurt. that passed. try not to overthink. anxiety is the worst and it makes all of these ridiculous symptoms so much worse. I hope you feel better soon.
tamsin00119 kimberly60059
Thank you Kimberly for your reply... it is very hard not to get anxious but I am trying... your comments are very much appreciated.. it makes me feel so much better...
caz240 tamsin00119
Hi there
Completely understand. I had anxiety b4 menopause now its horrendous. Ive had the shakes icy cold then red hot. Absolutely bone tired whether i sleep or not. Also in an abusive relationship. Off work as my job is physical. Its horrible what were going thru. i hope your symptoms lesson soon x
tamsin00119 caz240
Thank you Caz... yeah this anxiety thing stinks... I never used to worry about anything.. always rock solid and could handle any stress... now I just fall apart with any new symptom... it sounds like you also having a difficult time... you should get out of that relationship sweetie..
that just makes it worse... I feel for you and wish you only better days..
caz240 tamsin00119
Hi Tams
Nothing used to bother me either!! Life was a breeze.
I think its trying not to get concerned about symptoms which is hard when your hearts pounding for no reason.
Thanks for your kind words, sure we can get stronger again!
Working on leaving him just the usual money problems and fear of managing alone. lol
All the best xxx
debra16694 tamsin00119
hi tamsin - Yep, you just described what i go thru - I know how paniky you feel, because it forced me to the ER at 2:00 in the morning the burning was so bad & after test after test...nothing...they didnt even say i had a panic attack - i dont really get why this all seems to come on at it caused by blood sugar dropping? cortisol rising? Blood pressure dipping? all i know is its scary & nobody gets it except woman on this forum - I feel like i must have done something really bad in a past life to deserve this torture - hah!
tamsin00119 debra16694
Hi Debra
Just a thought... I can confirm that my burning body and numb feeling in legs started up the same day and has been on off all the time during day and at night... did yours coincide maybe? Another thought were you ever tested for sugar?
2chr2015 tamsin00119
hi tams. i am so sorry you are going through this. i totally understand. i have experienced the feelings of dread in the middle of the night and put myself into a total panic attack thinking I was dying of something terrible. In fact last week it happened and i made an appt with the doctor as soon as i woke up. everything turned out okay. i have different symptoms today that create anxiety of a different illness. its seems like it never ends and yes it is totally exhausting. of course not sleeping well just compounds the anxiety. i am trying to read about ways to battle off this health anxiety. i was 43 when all this started and i am 47 now. i sure did not expect my forties to be this much fun
tamsin00119 2chr2015
oh my you still young and already battling.. I feel for you girl... at least my peri started when I was about 40 and I had no issues... just weight gain, hot flashes and mood swings... now I am 5 and post meno and this year oh my... it has been one disaster upon another... thank you so much for your reply.
wishing you wellness...
Chickadeesgrl tamsin00119
I feel for you and my health anxiety has skyrocketed. During the night, I can go from hot to cold in minutes. One minute I need a warmed up rice bag and the next and ice pack. My legs are numb and restless. I am 12 months without a period and I am feeling worse than ever! Don't is easy to say, but difficult to do.
tamsin00119 Chickadeesgrl
Oh my how right you are.. my husband keeps telling me ... you worry too much..stop worrying... if only he knew how not so easy that is..! lol... men will just never get it... they sail through life with there macho attitudes to problems... us ladies we are built differently... thank goodness when I woke up this morning after a good nights sleep the numbness in my legs were gone... you look after yourself now...
Chickadeesgrl tamsin00119
You look after yourself too! I started doubling up on my magnesium and felt better...less restless leg, numbness and tingling.
tamsin00119 Chickadeesgrl
Maybe I should try more magnesium.. should help for the aches as well..thanks for the tip!!