Totally numb

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I hav been experiencing so many systems of lately it is depressing . Am a single mom fighting everyday life an dealing wit this. Of recent i fet pain under my left breast an arm also acid an gas dats been moving frm my chest to stomach an to me left an rite chest area causing nervousness an chill an cramps in my body .

Ladies i do adk if anyone coud relate? Been fighting anxiety alot nw.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi wendy36287

    I have had tenderness in my armpit and left breast which seems to relate to my period it appears approximately 10 days after my period ends x I also get muscle aches around my shoulder blade x think it’s all part of peri x I’m 45 and at times can feel 95 lol x keep smiling 🤪

  • Posted

    Hi Wendy, all the symptoms that you describe are common signs of menopause. I have all of them, and in the beginning I was totally stressed out about these (I have had these symptoms for almost a year now). But to be on the safer side, get your heart checked (EKG, etc). 

    The armpit pain and the upset stomach, pain is just the good old hormones acting up. The most concerning if you dont know the reason is the breast/chest pain, especially on the left side.


    • Posted

      Hi does d armpit pain make u upset? Wen i eat my hest in d middle feels weird an it hurts under my arm an moves to my stomach i ha noticed . I did heart chked an dey sent me hm to rest telling me am stressed .
  • Posted

    Well, yes, the armpit / arm pain does concern me, but now that I know the reason, I try not to freak out. It is not easy not to be worried, but that will make it worse. So try to remember always all these symptoms are due to peri or menopause and try relaxing techniques (check on Youtube...there are loads!). They do help. 
  • Posted

    I'm right with u hun, the only time I get the sore breast armpit is when my periods due, other than that all the same symptoms as your experiencing I'm now on anti depressants for my anxiety which is helping, I also get sweaty armpits pretty much all day which is unpleasant x

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