Trans vaginal / Ultra Sound

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I have a question I forgot to ask... When I had the transvaginal ultra sound she couldnt find the ovaries very good so she did the ultra sound on my very lower stomach pressing in like you wouldnt beleive to find them in fact after all that pressing on my stmch with that thing I fnally said well did you find them and she said yes,  but my question is if there was a tumor or something really strange would it of showed up? 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, it should, while she was taking pictures of it the doctor will read it and give his findings of anything that shows up. I had one done, they found the fibroids, and a swollen fallopian tube.
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      she had a screen she was looking at  and and punching buttons while she moved that thing in her hand over my lower stomach.  I know I was 19 months no period when I had that unexpected heavy bleeding one. I was on like maybe 3 day bleeding when I went to ER and the transvaginal ultra sound  showed thickening lining of the uterus 9mm I never had it repeated after bleeding stopped I was just wondering if that thickne lining could of went down from  9mm to a little lower number?
    • Posted

      yes, it's possible that it did go down but we can't speculate without the results of the ultra sound. Just wait for the results and you'll get your answer on your next visit hopefully. You sound a lot better now and a lot calmer.

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      Did they do a transvaginal sonograph as well or just the ultra sound over your stomach?
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      Nevermind I just read your post again, many times it is hard to see the ovaries with the transvaginal sonogram, that is why she did it over your stomach.
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      So doing it over the stomach would it have showed tumors or such?
    • Posted

      Yes, it will show everything, but the transvaginal is will show it too, just at a different angle. My cysts even showed that they were filled with liquid and that one had ruptured, that's how sensitive the machines are.

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      I was wondering also I was bleeding pretty heavy so kinda makes you wonder if it still shows everything or if they can still get good reading.
    • Posted

      Oh you mean the first time, oh yes, it captures everything.
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      No not bleeding now and pray it don't come back, my heavy bleeding started June 2 stopped about 4 to 5 days after it started . Then stopped completely for 5 days completely and then started spotting again only when wipe until July 5th stopped completely on the day he did biospies and then bleed a little from that it stopped, now not sure if some was from transvaginal and biospies if not but dealing with vaginal pain off and on every since all those test some times stingy little pains and sometimes a ache in left private side off and on spaced out during the day when it happens .

    • Posted

      well, hon, let's just wait for the results. When do you have your next appointment to see the doctor?

    • Posted

      Sounds like what I was dealing with I had 8lbs of fibroids they couldn't see much with either of thoses test they press so hard I thought I would sream ! Good luck to you

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