Tried very hard today

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today i tried very very hard not to let this hell defeat me and again it won but i did get a few hours where i struggled but kept going. this whole summer ive been in the house only go out when i have too. i dont know how it effects anyone else but the heat really effects me it has the past few years makes my heart race i get very hot and it makes the head symptoms worse. my thyroid and all is fine these hormones has effected me in ways that i never would have imagined. nothing about my change is the typical things the internet describes. it has been a very long rough miserable 9 years and just keeps getting worse. the past 4 of the 9 years has been very bad. the symptoms thats really getting to me ill list and try to give detail how it feels for me if anyone can really relate please reply and suggestions what helps hrt i cant for reason.

facial flushing this one can hit and stay all day or even weeks no break my face will be on fire and ears as well like ive been put in a boiler and cant escape.

my blood pressure is all over the place goes high on ovulation and cycle time normal other times sometimes it goes alittle to low never had BP problem before this pericraptitude.

off balance dizziness at times it feels like im on a boat other times it feels like my head is like floating on my shoulders, and sometimes it feels like my eyes neck has something to do with it but who knows. and it at times feels like im drunk without the alcohol this symptom has got the best of me.

these are the main ones that i cant deal with on a daily basis everyday all day all the other symptoms i cant tolerate as they are so mild they arent noticeable. except the heavy cycles im hoping thise ease soon as ive never had heavy cycles in my life

anyone relate?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela,

    I can definitely relate to every symptom you've described. I seriously can't tolerate the heat. I get anxious when I get too hot pulse goes faster, I feel nervous. It's awful. My blood pressure goes up when I am on my cycle. I am currently on Hydrochlorithiazide. I never had blood pressure issues until these changes began. I'm hoping this nightmare will be over soon I have been going through this for ten years now.

    • Posted

      yes me too its like the anxiousness automatically comes with the heat ugh, im on quinapril for my BP hope it ends for all us soon thanks for replying

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela, can relate to everything you listed.

    I used to work outside all summer, 8 hours or more a day. I used to run miles at any time of day. No problems with the heat.

    Now I can barely walk from the office to the car without getting nauseous, anxious and dizzy.

    If I find something that helps, I will report back.

  • Posted

    Yes!!! I can't stand the heat either anymore!!! I know I gained some weight and just feel sluggish.Had to go out for dinner with family ( a birthday celebration) and tomorrow another celebration... I'm just going with the flow- I feel 80 and I'm going to 'hang out' with the elders tomorrow. I have my period which doesn't help even thou I take iron too! The thing that is bothering me now is blood pressure!!! And with this heat I don't want to exercise. I'm also trying to eat more protein and greens but it's not easy with celebrations and kids home for the summer. Just want my numbers to be good!

  • Posted

    yes Pamela, I can so relate..been dealing with the things you mentioned about 2.5 years now..the anxiety, high blood pressure spikes at random times...and sometimes feeling extra sad and crying more than I used to...also very heavy periods with awful cramps and exhaustion. Not much helps except taking ibuprofen, giving myself a break, staying hydrated and taking short walks. It has been incredibly helpful to communicate with all you lovely ladies and knowing I am not alone. Hang in there and reach out as needed!!

  • Posted

    I'm opposite, I feel the cold more, can't get warm during the winter months and I used to hate heat waves but now I am ok with them. I have the dizzy/off balance thing and hot flushes are pretty much ongoing after 10 plus years.

  • Posted

    thanks ladies for replying it scares me to death these hormones effecting the blood pressure i can deal with a hot flash or sore breast but these hormones messing with BP i cant its not normal, natural part of life seems dangerous ive tried explaining to dr what happens on cycle and ovulation week with BP going up said she never heard of such stuff. so basically its made to be in ny head its tiring

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