Trying time ever
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hi ladies have been normal for a while and suddenly days before my period i get chest wall pains stemming from my stomach acid. Have been dizzy anxious nauseous and tired. My mind has been playing tricks and i have been going through depression.
Can anyone relate or am i dying after this one? Its feels like the end of time😢
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sharcerv52408 wendy36287
I can definitely relate. I have those days too where I feel like I am at death's door. Lately I have been battling migraine symptoms and gastritis at the same time. Let me tell you it is no hay ride! I have been having chest and back pain, nausea, back of the head pain, neck and shoulder pain, anxiety, dizziness, wobbly legs. It's just awful! I was feeling good for a little while too before all of this hit too. I guess that was the calm before the storm, huh?
wendy36287 sharcerv52408
hi ! am on vitamin b 6 along with primrose and natural stuff . Nothing is working so am taking sleeping tablets to spend the time. This is horrible. The chest wall pain is the worse which is causing my anxiety. Any suggestions?
juanita93228 wendy36287
You are not dying. I know it feels like it, but you're not. I have felt as you have so many times. But it gets better. I still have bouts of depression but they don't last as long now. Just hold on, take a deep breath and pray. You are not alone.🤗🙏
rebecca_68782 wendy36287
I have been there too. Just came through a period like that. Hope you are better soon. Many blessings.
HopefulTrina wendy36287
You're definitely not alone. For the past few days I have felt doom and dread. O had complete body weakness, crying, felt like something terrible going on. Went to urgent care, all tests came back good. Discharged with anxiety.. I just can't believe hormones can do all of this..
Hope you feel better soon
wendy36287 HopefulTrina
well i have not been to work first time ever hoping and praying to b over soon
Takingtime wendy36287
Yes! I had the chest pain issue 2017 and rode it out for nearly a year. I had a few tests done, mainly on my heart to ensure it wasn't anything like that, once that was ruled out they said it is more than likely GERD, I had never had anything like that prior. I started charting and it seemed to be around fluctuation so ovulation or a day before my period showed up. I still have digestive issues, but lately I feel it more in my bowels and intestines. A lot of gurgling, and gas, cramping and feeling like I have to go when I don't. It seems to be IBS issue as it flares up worse when I am extremely anxious or stressed out over something. I find this time of year where I live our winters are hard and it can make one feel more tired, less motivated and a wee bit depressed (seasonal affective disorder). Not sure if this is why everything seems more enhanced at the moment but definitely not helping anxiety. I have always had a nervous stomach even as a child, but I find everything at this time is magnified. Hang in there and if ever you are concerned it never hurts to see a doctor. I went two years straight seeing doctors who were really no help, they ordered tests but when nothing showed up there was no further investigation basically live with it or try some pills to see if it helps. Very discouraging, but also reassuring that tests were negative. Hang in there!