Trying to keep it together!!!

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After several months of spotting mid cycle, everything returned to ‘normal’... well sort of normal, my periods for several months were very heavy for the first few days , it almost felt like I was wetting myself... anyway I managed to deal with that.... as awful as it was.

However this month my  periods were bang on time as always, but very light, BUT they just haven’t really ended, I’ve now had light spotting for two weeks solid...I really don’t want to go back to the doctors as I’ve had several US and everything looks absolutely ‘normal’, although the gyno did say my uterus was a little ‘patch’ although she said that was ‘normal’ for my age., 50 years.

I feel like a go through phases of high anxiety, life returns to normal and then something else comes along... it’s exhausting... are long extended periods normal, is spotting normal... I no longer know what is normal...😔

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4 Replies

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    Hi, Alice,

    Unfortunately what you are describing is perfectly normal during peri menopause.  I'm 47 and have been in peri for about 5 years.  I had normal cycles (every 24 days) since I was 11 years old.  Then a few years ago everything started to change.  My cycles got closer together, then further apart. I have had nearly every peri symptom on the list.  But the erratic, heavy periods were what really threw me.  Last year I had a very heavy period that lasted 17 days.  It scared me.  I went to my doctor and had all the tests and at that time she verified that my hormone levels were that of a woman in full menopause.  She prescribed bio identical hormones, but I have yet to take them, as I was afraid I'd feel worse.  

    Since last year I've had cycles that were as much as 90 days apart and as little as 17 days apart, somestimes with my period lasting as long as 2-3 weeks.  I asked my doctor about this and she advised when a woman is in perimenopause the hormone fluctuations are so frequent and varied that the body does not know when to shut off the bleeding.  I did become anemic a couple of times and had to have 4 weeks of IV iron infusions to help with this.  Additionally, as the cycles become further apart the uterus lining will continue to build so eventually when you do have a period it can take a long time for that lining to shed.  It's all very frustrating becuase there's no set pattern.  There were days when I couldn't leave the house because my heavy, flooding periods.  I thought I was going to go crazy.

    I'm sorry you are going through this and everything feels so unpredictable and out of control.  I share your concerns.  I am told eventually it will get better.  In the meantime, I am following a natural program my doctor recommended which includes taking adrenal supplements, 750mg of magnesium daily, and an oral iron tablet daily during a bleed and once daily for one week post bleed.  I'm also following a gluten and dairy free diet (to reduce inflammation) and walking whenever I can.  These things have seemed to help overall.

    Please know you are not alone in this.  Try not to worry (I know easier said than done) and keep referencing this site (I find the posts from these lovely, knowledgeable ladies to be very comforting and supportive).  Wishing you good health!  Hugs--Sarah

  • Posted

    Hi Alice, I'm going through the same thing. My vag u/s's were always normal. However, just had one last week which showed my uterine wall was thick. I had had a three week period and that's why I called to get checked.  My gut tells me this is all just part of peri, of course at the back of my mind I'm thinking I should go ahead and do the biopsy that was recommended. BUT, I'm just going to wait, take progesterone cream, and see if things resolve by the end of the summer and then do another u/s. 

    I'm so tired of feeling awful, just when I think I'm starting to feel better, it hits me again. I'm achy and sick feeling. While sleeping last night I woke having anxiety again. It just never lets up. And now I keep thinking that maybe I have uterine cancer. Ugh

    What does "patch" mean in regards to your uterus?

  • Posted

    Hi Alice i am the same, i am 47 and keep being very anxious. Spotting , heavy bleeding then spotting 27 days . nothing then a period 27 days later very light and spotting again  but this one has just stopped again. It worries me to death. sad x
  • Posted

    Thanks so much for your responses, it really does reassure me, but’s it’s still all so scary, on top of that I suffer from severe health anxiety ( a result of PND from 10 years ago now), so some days coping is very difficult.

    To be honest I don’t really know what a patchy uterus is, but the gyno seemed very unconcerned about it and just said it was ‘normal’ for a women of my age.

    I will keep checking in here , I hate being so weak about it all and try not to allow it to take over my life... but like many here I just immediately think that absolute worst. Last year alone I had 3 US and they were all clear... I think I just have to accept that it’s whete I am in my life just now.

    Thank you xxxx

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