Tummy and bowel issues
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Hello all,
Do any of you have trouble going to the bathroom, especially first thing in the morning? I have to sit there for a bit before there's any movement. Then sometimes I get this nervous rumbly feeling in my stomach. Anyone else get this?
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Gypsy014 sharcerv52408
I know the feeling sharcerv gas and bloating lots of belching shortness of breath constipation all that was some of my first symptoms starting out in this journey.. It has calmed down a lot and I'm much more regular now , better diet now and lots of water all helped me.. Hope you feel better soon 😃
mary27278 Gypsy014
Gypsy, how have you been? I just posted a posting about this.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary been ok lately, not as bad as I was, my thing now are really awful migraines that are unbearable I can't stand this, and leading up to the migraines are of course lots and lots of dizziness, auras , off balance, nausea to where you feel like throwing up, then the awful migraine, so ive been getting a lot of that lately, everything elae just cycles itself and has calmed down a lot.. I posted on your posting as well.. How have you been lately??
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
You said things have calmed down for you now. Other than changing your diet and drinking water, what else have you tried to do to make your symptoms calmer? What has worked for you?
Gypsy014 sharcerv52408
Well I definitely still have my symptoms they rotate all month long, but seems like what I had at first when all this first hit me has calmed down for sure since then, example my anxiety isn't so crippling anymore and it was really really bad, I still get it but not as bad, what is bad bad for me right now is my migraines and the dizziness nausea off balance you get with the migraines.. So I think that these symptoms just pretty much calm down on their own as time goes by for me as if they run their coarse..I can't take any hormones because of breast cancer in my family and I had a hysterectomy for pre cancer cells on the cervix and they thought the uterus but it had not made it into the uterus after my hysterectomy, so I'm not a candidate.. TBH I just watch what I eat lots of water and walking and yoga stretching, and I keep as busy as I can, and all that helps a lot..and when I feel really bad I stay in and sometimes I stay in bed if its a really really bad day ...
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
I can relate to having the bad anxiety in the beginning of all of this too. That definitely has mellowed out for me also. Like you said, I still get it but it's relatively mild compared to how it was before. I'm glad you made the decision to have the hysterectomy, smart move. Yeah the migraines are a beast! I had a horrendous bout with them in the beginning and recently last September. They come and go. Right now my issue is digestive and tension in the back of my head and neck. I will be glad when all of these symptoms settle down for good.
kelly55079 sharcerv52408
I take magnesium at night for aches/pains and sleep. I think it also helps me go in the morning with no problems.
sharcerv52408 kelly55079
Thanks Kelly! I will definitely give it a try!