Tummy Issues

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Hi I feel full up with or with out food at times I only got to drink water and I'm full is this meno or just me anyone feel this way

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    im the same i also look pregnant and feel like im going to burst sometimes. i get so bloated just eating a small amount. iv put weight on and i eat hardly anything fedup with it. and the weight only goes to my stomach.
  • Posted

    I know how you feel. I am so bloated right now that stomach feels like a balloon.
  • Posted

    Yes, this has been another odd response.

     I also rarely feel hunger any more.  And food barely tastes like it used to.  Anybody else?


  • Posted

    Yes, I've put on weight, don't ever really want to eat, it feels like a chore. All weight goes on hips and tummy area. Some days I feel huge. It's bad enough being menopausal, when does it ever end?😩😰

  • Posted

    Oooooh meeee toooo: look like I'm 6 months pregnant, feel pressure/ fullness in my tummy, big increase in reflux/heartburn, lots of nausea....I've never carried weight on my stomach, now I have to wear 'grandma underwear' to hold it all it ( and I used to love a sexy pair of lacy knickers!)

    • Posted

      Ha ha, yes I know. I have a draw full of Lacey underwear and another full of "sensible" pants. I will keep them though!!! For when I lose weight. Isn't it awful when you wear nice underwear and then when you sit down your muffin top pops over you pants!!!!! So uncomfortable. You have to laugh or you would cry. Yes, when I have hot flush I feel sick and I can not bear to be touched, my skin feels on fire. We will get over this!!! I'm told it will end??????😂

    • Posted

      Oh I get that. Some days I think I'm going to have triplets! I weigh more now than I ever did when I was 9 months pregnant. Weight goes straight to my stomach. From what I read, this is hard to fight, as the lack of estrogen due to menopause, causes weight gain.

  • Posted

    I would go and see your doctor this could be a symptom of something else
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    i get reflux to alot and alot of stomach achs to.

    iv actualy lost weight on my legs and gained weight around bum and belly, i started gym yesterday and went on tred mill for half hour wet through with sweat. iv read its hard to shift the belly fat but im hoping not to get any fatter.im actualy heavyer than most of my pregnancys at nine months exept with my twins but i was only half a stone heavyer with them. i was always skinny when young used to cry to put weight on my husband used to say youl be cryi g to lose it when ypur older he was right.  at least  i can show my husband the coments as hes thinking im lazy and eat to much when i eat next to nothing and just want to falll asleep allday, tierdness hits me and all i want to do it go sleep. wwmy family think im lazy tell me to go for jogs shut up moaning and stop being a hypochondriac. 


    • Posted

      I am so sorry that is the negativity that you have to wrestle with every day. At least you have us to chat with and compare symptoms with. Let's face it, our families can sometimes be the least sympathetic when it comes to things like this.

    • Posted

      I'm the same. It makes me feel less of a person when I am so tired. It makes me look lazy and I'm not lazy. One day the symptoms will go I am told and we will feel btter. hugs 

    • Posted

      I just tell my family I am unwell and they have to care for themselves. No more babysitting for my grandchildren if I don't feel like it. Stay strong, take care of yourself.

    • Posted

      Malsle you hit on one that emotioanlly hurts me.  Grandkids.  I love them to death, but don't want the full responsibility of watching them any more.  I used to LOVE it.  And I simply HATE this change.  Not fair to me, or the grandkids.  

    • Posted

      Yes gailannie, it is so hard. Some days I feel as young as them and can run to the park with them, other days I haven't the strength to even read with them. Confusing for them and distressing for me.

    • Posted

      I can relate. I had my kids late in life. So I feel sorry for them because I have the rotten fortune to be going through menopause right at their formative years. My son is 8 and my daughter is soon to be 4. Most days I have no energy to fool with them. Then there is the irritability that pops out of me every now and then that makes me cross with them so easily and I feel so sorry for them. They don't deserve this. They deserve the happy-go-lucky person I used to be before this madness began.

    • Posted

      This can really take a role on EVERYONE IN OUR LIFE.  I had three teenagers when I started perimenopause, it was horrible.  Sorry you are dealing with this with even younger children.  

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