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I had an ovary removed, andnearly died from a ruptured blood vessel 15 minutes after surgery. i am still feeling weak. THE POINT IS, THEY OBLATED MY UTURUS ALSO. And now, the thought of certain sex things I used to enjoy, MAKE ME SO S ICK THINKING ABOUT. My husband , is alcoholic, and I know that is part of problem. BUT, I USED TO BE REALLY EASY TO GET EXCITED. Weeks after the surgery, I AM A MESS. I do not want to lose my hubby, but in truth, I MAY AND MY DOC WILL NOT GIVE ME ESTROGEN AS i SMOKE.ANYONE ELSE FEEL TOTALLY SEXLESS AFTER PARTIAL HYSTERECTOMY STARTS YOUR MENOPAUSE ?i AM 43.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I think if your husband is prepared to leave you because he's not getting sex from you right now means that you are better off without him. I am sorry you are having a hard time. Don't worry about providing your body for him. Concentrate on healing and getting better for yourself.

    • Posted

      Thank You Sabrina. I am worried he will seek sex somewhere else, not necessarily abandon the family. I am trying to heal, but I feel pressured t have sex, and I no longer enjoy it, not anything like I once did. I thank you for telling me to put myself first. We women do need to do this way more often. GOD BLESS YOU!
    • Posted

      Does he go to AA? If not he needs to. Put yourself first because it sounds like he does not care about you.
  • Posted

    It's the menapause. I feel repulsed by lovely sex that I used to enjoy. I don't

    feel excited by it anymore and it worries me sick. I feel guilty as my husband

    is really understanding but I know he wants sex. I am 56 and have felt like this

    about 5 years, but I never told him for about 3 years and just kept trying to

    be normal, but then I couldn't anymore.

    This damn thing has ruined everything. There is only one good thing to

    come from it, no more periods and I wouldn't go back to that for anything.

    So nothing changes for me, from one helll to another!,

    I feel better some days, just having a bad time at the moment.

    Sad about the sex though, don't think it will get any better now.

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