Turp procedure
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I had turp procedure 6/28/16. As of 8/25/16, I am still waking up to urinate 3-4 times during the night. Has anybody had the same experience and if so, how long did it take to stop getting up during the night. I am also taking rapaflo 8mg. in the afternoon. Can that be causing me to wake up during the night?
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mike588 raymond09997
I don't know about TURP but generally speaking if you've been getting up during the night for years the bladder gets used to it, and it takes time till it settles down, I don't know how long and the bladder may have lost elasticity. Your Urologist should tell you. Rapaflo is supposed to help isn't it? You can experiment and stop it for a couple of days and see what happens since you had a TURP theoretically there is less reason to take it. Again ask Urologist.
raymond09997 mike588
I will call doctor to see what he thinks, but iam sure the nurse will call with answer lol
david41064 raymond09997
It can take a while to heal the prostate. Everyone on this blog should spread the word that any urologist suggesting a TURP as a first procedure is just trying to line their pockets. Rezume has proven to be far better but its new and most uro's either don't know about it or are slow to change for financial reasons. PAE seems to have great promise for guys with large prostates and is far less invasive done by an intervention radiologist. Puts more strain on urologists who financially need to do procedures. TURP is a last resort guys. Urologist are generally medieval and don't give a damn about their patients sex lives. I've had one tell me at 65 you're about done with sex anyway. This should tell you everything you need to know.
raymond09997 david41064
glenn77 raymond09997
I had TURP #1 in early March and #2 in early May of 2016 I am up 2-3 times per night, and usually have to change my Depends pullup at one of the wakeups. I also leak a LOT through the day, requring multiple (3-4) daytime changes. If you have bladder control during the day, be grateful and be patient, as you will be healing for several months to come. I'm not certain, but I would assume that the irritation from the TURP procedure still healing contributes to your waking at night.
raymond09997 glenn77
moudar raymond09997
I think it is normal. I had prostate problem since May. Now we in the end AV August. My prostate now I think much better but all the symptom return for 3 or 4 days and then again I still in medicin. I contact my doc today he said it take long long time. Maybe sex to one year
raymond09997 moudar
Denknee raymond09997
My Turp was on May 24th... I still get up frequently. In my case it's not related to my prostate as my bladder now fully empties. As explained to me by my Primary Care Physician, it's how your body gets rid of water. In addition to that the capicity of my bladder has shrunk to 150cc. Average capacity is 350 to 550cc.
roy88359 raymond09997
dennis47445 raymond09997
I had a turp done on July 12, 2016. So far, although the uro, made a nice wide opening, I am not able to urinate on my own. I went to see him yesterday, and we did a trial void. No luck. He sent me home with catheters, and so now I have to self cath, till who knows when. It's not that bad. In fact, I kind of like having my bladder completely empty! It feels great, not to have to stress about where the next restroom is.