Twitchy legs

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ok..had early menopause at 51 and post meno..apart from sleep problems now and again..seem to have developed twitchy legs like they go into spasms at night then get really restless often wakes me up...anyone else experience this..wasn’t sure if it’s anxiety or not as that’s been bad anxiety.recently diagnosed with slight leaky heart valve but dr told me not to’s common..of course I’m worried x

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm 55 and my legs have been twitching every night for the past few years.  I think it may be restless leg syndrome, but my doctor won't confirm it.  It keeps me wide awake at night and nothing I take seems to help.  

    • Posted

      I hate not sleeping..I sleep 10pm till 1am then awake till 5am and drift off again for hr or two....I don’t believe menopause should be given a time scale..i symptoms come and go over the years..sleep gos awol especially post meno..I thought restless legs my partner said I’m always thrashing my legs about..even asleep..he gets kept up to.bless him
  • Posted

    Hi , I've had restless legs for years. Magnesium supplements really help and propanol from the doctor. Also keeping my legs cool helps(I stick them out the bed)hope this helps x

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