UGH!! As usual- 2 hours after waking up!
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Felt amazing this morning, and as usual, 2 hours after getting up, and halfway through coffee....shakes start, weird head, (almost like a tremor or vibration that you can actually "feel" if that makes ANY sense) and just that overall feeling of panicking that it's gonna be a horrible day :-(
Right away had a Garden of Life shake, teaspoon of black strap molasses and 2 teaspoons of ACV w/water.
Shout out to all of my peri ladies DEALING with a changed life :-(
I'm so thankful for the "good hours"
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maria76995 Str8tfans
Hi know the feeling I had bloods done last week that made me worry and anxious..sometimes I don't know how I feel no more, I tell everyone I got better but I still have some meno issues, yes we do think about the next day and how we will feel or when it will end, one minute I'm getting enough sleep the next not getting much, periods coming to end soon fingers cross in January that's if they don't show up between then and now and I worry after the 12 month how I'm going to be,anyway,we have to take each day as it comes.
karen60759 Str8tfans
Shout out to you too!!! I've had a crappy few days of those same symptoms as well, so you're not alone - mornings are the worst, especially during and after my period, get to relax for a few hours in the evening but by then I'm too tired to enjoy it! I've been taking dim which seems to be helping, but still getting these bad 'spells' hang in there! xxx
Str8tfans karen60759
karen60759 Str8tfans
Its a supplement which balances out your oesstrogen, seems to do something , you can get it on Amazon, worth trying? I've also just started taking bio identical progesterone daily because at 41 im in early peri where oestrogen levels can spiral, And without progessterone to balance it out, can send you a bit crazy as we all know, so far it's helped my sleep but not the mood swings
Str8tfans karen60759
Will definitely look into it!
I'm pretty sure I can't take any type of hormones because they say if u have migraine w/aura you can. Which I have sometimes lol
karen60759 Str8tfans
No you'll be ok with dim it doesn't contain hormones, it's completely natural
Str8tfans karen60759
Awesome! I'm gonna check into it thank you!
What symptoms do you think it's helping?
Toddpodd Str8tfans
Guest Str8tfans
First of all, ditch the coffee!! Drink some warm water with lemon. We have to start acting like Grandmas. UGHHH
No seriously, ditch the caffeine if you can, even decaf is 1/2 caf, so that doesn't work either. See if the shakes aren't as bad.
When I'm feeling awful I notice it, so I have to start reminding myself to recognize when I'm not as bad too.
My shakes are slowly starting to go away, every now and then I will feel it a little bit, but nothing like it was last year at this time, or even in the beginning of the summer. So I'm assuming things start calming down the farther you get in to meno. Having missed three periods now, maybe that's starting to happen to me. But I still feel like I've been run over by a semi, and my feet keep burning, and feel sick. SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of this all.
And really, about the diet, I was doing everything last year, including the black strap molasses and ACV. Cut out everything bad, was eating strictly clean diet. Nothing, and I mean nothing, made a crap of a difference. I guess my body was healthier because of it, but who would know?
Str8tfans Guest
I'm really gonna try to starting ditching the coffee, wish me luck! Lol
Str8tfans Guest
Suzanne I'm really happy for you that the shakes are subsiding. That's one of the most annoying things for me! The shakes and sometimes almost like tremors. They don't last very long for me but they're always scary.
Everytime I feel like it's some horrible thing about to happen.
One thing I CAN say, is after learning so much from the ladies on this forum, I can almost pinpoint the symptoms, when they're the worst, right down to the days of the month where my hormones would be dropping or rising the most.
Obviously there's no map or perfect calendar, some days are just bad no matter what. But what I call my "super symptomatic days" (<<<that helps my in my crazy mind remember I'm not dying lol) are almost to the tee when hormones would be raging.
If it wasn't so terrible and scary if me amazed at how it works lol
Guest Str8tfans
michelleds Str8tfans
Str8tfans michelleds
I do coffee like a "wake up" pull lol.
My two vices- coffee and cigs :-(
I wake up, drink coffee and have a few cigarettes, and don't eat.
After two hours of being awake- it starts.
I know I NEED to start eating a healthy breakfast before that coffee :-/
kellyp623 Str8tfans
michelleds Str8tfans
Ouch. As a former smoker, coffee drinker, and breakfast skipper, I get where you're coming from. I used to get into a full-blown panic attack on my way work in the morning-- of course, after chugging coffee, smoking a few- as in, as many as I had time for before leaving the house, and not eating anything, my body got seriously messed up. Those "inner trembles" are from low blood sugar. It's your body's way of saying please feed meeeee.
A lot of people turn green at the very idea of food in the morning, and I was one of them. I now eat breakfast within 15 minutes of waking up, and to be honest, I don't love it, but it's just what I have to do. I eat the exact same thing every morning so I don't have to think.
I tapered off coffee years ago because it stopped being enjoyable. Seems like my body was just telling me "do not want". Now I have green tea.
If I were your nutrition coach, which is what I do, I'd wouldn't ask you to give up coffee and cigs for the time being, but I'd suggest you consider committing to getting breakfast down within 30 minutes of getting out of bed. Believe me, it will make a huge difference.
Gypsy014 michelleds
Hi Michelle , I too would have a cup of coffee but that was about all I could handle in the way of caffeine, I would get low blood sugar bad , but I did smoke and when all this hit me like a Mac truck, I was so sick I never smoked another ciggarete again and it's been a year and half, honestly I thought I'd be a smoker the rest of my life, as smoking went very well with my beer and wine I drank, can't do that either, since peri/meno, it has just made me too sick with symptoms.. So one or two good things have come out of this nightmare I call peri/meno no more smoking!! So I too wake up and eat the same thing for breakfast too, but not much more I need more of a variety , as a nutrition coach what do you suggest for diet for peri/meno, Hashimotos and Rheumatoid arthritis I don't do gluten and I'm low histamine as well, so what are some good food choices?? Thanks?