Ugh! Bad night!

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Danggg....I thought I’d had today conquered but NOPE.

Just before bed the “whoosh whoosh whoosh” starts in my head, the. The heart palps, then the gurgling stomach.

I absolutely DESPISE the feeling of hearing my heartbeat in my head y’all. It’s like it’s pumping IN you’re actual brain.

I should be about three days away from startin my period and I’m starting to see now that there’s more “icky days” before it now.

Like instead of one or two bad days beforehand it’s like 3 or 4.

Whyyyyyy must women go through this?? 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I go through the same things right before my cycle, I have crazy dreams, and the heart pounding so bad and fast I can hear it in my ears, my stomach is ridiculous and I feel like I might be coming down with a cold or something. My anxiety is heightened at it's best. I am glad that I know it's hormones now and other woman go through it also because if I didn't I would be a complete nut job.

    • Posted

      Whenever I get a cold now, it is always during a period.
  • Posted

    Hi str8tfans 

    youre definitely not alone. I’m 48 and I’m going to the cardiologist today. I wake I. The early hours (assuming I’ve gone to sleep in the first place) with my heart banging and horrendous anxiety. I’ve got skipped beats and palpitations that are making me feel awful. I’m shaking and feel like I’m dying it’s horrendous and always worse during the night and morning. I’m hoping to get some beta blockers and perhaps a gun lol. This time of life is horrendous!

  • Posted

    Hey str8t.  Girl I wish I had answers for you.  I was just thinking the same thing this morning.  Why at this age do we have to experience this nonsense.  I mean, after childbirth, sleepless night, dealing with big baby husbands... lol.  We need a break...not something else that's supposed to make us stronger when we come out on the other side.  I'm beginning to wonder if I just have to deal with the rest of my life being like this.  So miserable!!!  Every little pain I have I think is for sure going to kill me!  That is not a way to have to live your everyday!!  Venting here today.  So fed up with all this worry all the time and having to be strong for the fam and do impossible Christmas shopping.  My 14 year old says "mom there is always something wrong with never feel like doing anything!!  My husband tries to be understanding but I know he doesn't get it.  ((Hugs)) for everyone today

    • Posted

      I can definitely identify with thinking every little pain is some sort of death sentence! I just pray to God and come on this forum. You ladies have helped me so much! ((((hugs))))
    • Posted

      My too!  I'm sitting in a parking lot trying to calm down bc I popped my ears earlier (I just learned how to do this). I got a headache and now my face feels weird!  Ugh

  • Posted

    I just got done with a heart monitor for 14 days and now I’m waiting. Heart palpitations are no joke And the uti i have a few and i have no symptoms. I also have Severe inflammation in the cervix but the paps came normal . I’m just crazy 
  • Posted

    Hi, I'm going through it too with gargling stomach right now..I think those heart palps makes you feel horrible too,no end yet to this craziness, people say that women is not design to go through the menopause..but I think we are, it's a life time change but I heard when it's over we feel more better then a 16 year old Lol, I very much hope so.

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