Ugh, the nausea
Posted , 10 users are following.
I'm so tired of the nausea, bloating, and just basic feeling of blah .... can anybody relate???
2 likes, 13 replies
Posted , 10 users are following.
I'm so tired of the nausea, bloating, and just basic feeling of blah .... can anybody relate???
2 likes, 13 replies
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Guest klm1213
hi klm, omg yes! I had to go to a dr appointment in the city nauseas and anxious the whole way. 2 and 1/2 hrs. and awful traffic. I had a migraine too. dry heaves. my hubbie drove. we got there and my heart was racing, thought I was going to drop. Have to back for a follow up...I am booking a hotel next time.
CarolKelso Guest
Lou .......... know how you feel as I was the same all day ...... its bloody awful x
klm1213 Guest
I know exactly how you feel! It's either a constant feeling of I want to puke, have diarrhea, or need to burp 🤣
kate_80669 klm1213
definitely ! my stomach issues are probably my worst symptom and certain times if the month i feel just sicky
klm1213 kate_80669
me too, it's horrible. That and they anxiety or the worst symptoms by far for me
CarolKelso klm1213
Oh klm - I have been the same all day.... feeling terrible with wind etc ...Just when I think I am getting over it, it starts all again, the feeling sick and needing to burp ..... Oh you are not alone
Due to falling hormone level.... I hope !!
Hope is passes for you soon.. CK
klm1213 CarolKelso
it makes me happy to know I'm not alone but I'm sorry other ladies are going through this 😦 have you experienced an abundance of anxiety even with the least little thing??
Guest klm1213
oh yes! I can go from zero to fetal position in a minute is lovely!
klm1213 Guest
Me too!! Have you experienced all over itching? That one is a joy lol
kate_80669 klm1213
health anxiety is dreadful
Guest klm1213
sometimes! My face and belly stretch marks!
eloise94644 klm1213
same nausea, bloating and wind always seems to be near when im due a period
feels like i just need to lay down
amanda59745 klm1213
Hi Kim, i too keep feeling nauseous at different times during the day for several weeks, belching loads and dizzy at times. This period is 21 days late i was a little worried , well very worried due to the nausea so i have taken a pregnancy test yesterday as anxiety won me over and had to do a test but, negative obviously. I am nearly 48 and have had some sweating at night also . omg i hate this x