Ultrasound how long for results

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Can anyone. Tell me the the average waiting time for results had a scan on Tuesday due to long period and experiencing pain in ribs side and back

Thanks for Any response

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I would say give it a week! That's how long mine took when mine was done, and with the 3 day weekend just passed they may be a bit backed up. Maybe call by Monday if you don't hear anything.. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Posted

    Give it 4 days to a week. I had an ultr sound last year to make sure my fibroids were still the same size. My results took longer than a week because my doctor went on vacation right after I had it done!  Lol!  But all is fine.
  • Posted

    Probably depends on your provider. I received the results of mine on the spot. Then confirmed by GYN two days later.

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