Ultrasound today
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Hi all I'm due a ultrasound later today as I've had a spotting a week or so it's stopped now I thought I had gone through the menopause as not had a period for 13 months doctors have terrified me saying it's not normal I have had blood tests done all clear but after googling I saw all the cancer pages I gave lost weight last to weeks through worry and I am freakin now I also had a smear January this year which was normal I've not had any other symptoms but it felt like it used when I was due except not heavy only on tissue I guess u will now really soon love to all who are having problems 💋
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marilyn09094 kerry_89290
caroline114 marilyn09094
kerry_89290 marilyn09094
kerry_89290 caroline114
colleen90305 kerry_89290
I'm sure its not cancer, don't jump too fast although we always think the worst. I want to be a man in my next life!
kerry_89290 colleen90305
I've had all blood results back all normal I was told thank you xx
aged-too-fast kerry_89290
You'd be surprised how many women have post-menopausal bleeding that ends up being nothing serious especially in the first 5 years or so of menopause. It's often chalked up to some sporadic ovarian activity / increased hormones. This makes sense since the ovaries are known to produce hormones our whole lives.
I hope you fall into the majority where all checks out ok and nothing needs to be done. Hugs.
lynda20916 kerry_89290
Hi, Kerry, take heart! Your doctor is being careful of your health! That's a good thing. When you know what's going on you have the best chance to get it fixed!
In the meantime, everyone on this site is here for you! Let us know how you do!
Thank you for all for comments I managed to hold my self to be told I needed inside scan my cervix was having none of it so ended with a scrape and biopsy said my cervix looked healthy but needed to go back in 2 weeks to try again so still not out of the woods yet but told my 90% sure it's nothing sinister has I'm on the wrong side of 50 for menopause it takes 2 years so I'm back to waiting thank you all again much love 😘
2chr2015 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 2chr2015
Bless you 2 more weeks of anxiety 😬💋💋
caroline114 kerry_89290
I'm sure you are worrying for nothing, otherwise they would have had you back sooner. Hope its good news when you go back. I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx
kerry_89290 caroline114
Thank you have to go back for a camera inside that's why I'm stressed in case that is why she said 90% I'm focuses only the other 10 😬X