Unable to sleep

Posted , 9 users are following.

So here I am for the second time this week completely knackered but can't go to sleep. Keep dropping off but then waking with a jolt! Feelings of fear that something is wrong but heart rate normal and not feeling ill as such! So annoying as I have to be at work in the morning.

If this happens to others what do you do?

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Paula

    You are not alone! The past week I keep waking up around 3 am every night, and can't go back to sleep. I had this happened a year ago so I would get my book till I get tired and go back to sleep around 4:30am...I think is the weird dreams that I've been having that waking me up startled and fearful! I will go back to my cup of chamomile tea it really helps me to sleep.


    • Posted

      Hi Maria,

      For the last two nights i have been waking at 4.00am due to having very weird dreams and then not going back to sleep till 5.00am.

      Is the dreaming part of the perimenopause too....

  • Posted

    Do you feel that scary fear feeling in the upper stomach and chest.  If so i'm been getting it every night so far for 4 weeks and off and on throughout the day!

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, i make a cuppa (decaf), listen to lcb radio to send me off and sometimes if i need to make sure i get a good sleep i take a sominex an hour before i want to sleep and i sleep through till morning. Hope you get some sleep...
  • Posted

    I get this regularly paula its like a big thump and you are jolted out of sleep state its when we are most relaxed I believe well this is what the doc says I am used to it now but it is scary luckily I can get back to sleep hope this reassures you a bit


  • Posted

    Thanks everyone for your advice and sharing your experiences. Although it's horrid it's reassuring to know I m not alone! X

  • Posted

    Hi Paula,

    I am totally with you on the tiredness, and working full time!

    I just want to sleep.....

    Good luck x

  • Posted

    I often awake with a jolt in the early hours of the morning. it sometimes leads to a panic attack because of how it scares me. I have been told it is night terrors, but I am not sure xx
  • Posted

    I hate waking up with a jolt. I used to be such a great sleeper. Sometimes it's hard to go back to sleep because I feel panicky. Sometimes I'll get on here and read the forum to know I am not alone. I try to clear my head, think positive thoughts, sometimes listen to a guided meditation.

    • Posted

      I notice for me is always during or right after my period! Last night wanted to cry! I moved from room to room and couldn't sleep! Around 4 am finally slept for a few hours!. It's so depressing!

    • Posted

      I keep that panicky feeling and I HATE IT!  I feel it during the night , it wakes me up and off and on throughout the day!
  • Posted

    Hi ladies this is normal I went through this for a few months it was absolutely horrible but it did pass as to the other symptoms I had I still suffer with the aches but not as bad I went through this all natural no meds except my bp meds hang in there it will soon be behind you all

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