Uneasy feeling

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Hi lovely ladies👋

I been away for a little bit I wanted I guess talk about this, are any of you letting your anxiety and negativity state of being stop you from doing daily goals you set for your selves ?!  I am and is getting the best of at this point I'm an emotional wreck, I find myself overwhelmed most of the time and this feeling inadequate & I also notice I'm over eating😭I don't think I'm physically sick, the way I feel I might as well be🤒😷 I'm 46 right around the corner from 47 with weird and very off menstrual cycles. 

Any advice ladies, please. 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    I think for me, my 1st year of post menopausal was worse than peri. Everyone is different so while you have these feelings now, perhaps when menopause actually occurs you will feel relief. There is no rhyme or reason to this at all.

    Many will suggests the variety of possible aids to help you be it vitamins, supplments and the like. Some may help, some not so much. Best thing to do is experiement with what sounds good to you and give it a go. 

    Just know that it does eventually subside and once in awhile, I still get the occasional overwhelmed feeling. I just know that it will pass and try not to let it rattle me like it used to.

    Wishing you the best,

    Annie xx

  • Posted

    The anxiety and panic was worse for me and at times I didnt feel like going out much because of fear and panic. It has got better but I can still feel like it at times if I dont sleep well or too much coffee but thankfully the random panic attacks have subsided x
  • Posted

    Foe me the worst was at 46 through 49 years old..

    I can tell you it gets better! I'm 51 now and many of the symptoms gone..the two I'm dealing with is the body aches and anxiety at times when I find myself stressing..like so many I couldn't sleep without feeling the panic coming on and keeping me up..I keep track of my anxiety and panic attacks and notice I will get them once a month and usually a few days before my period.

    I never get hot flushes, I was feeling cold all the time but it's gone now..Another think that is bothering me often is horrible nightmares!!!

    I had the urge to eat everything on my path, that goes away also..feel bettersmile

  • Posted

    Hi Goddess, yes I had my fair share of what you are talking about, there were times I would not go out of the house or go anyway far just to the corner shop...it has ease up and going back out and about not very far out but a start....I still get the uneasy feeling from time to time but better then I was, I find I can't socialise with out feeling uncomfortable around people insides start to feel funny/weird feeling don't know why but hoping I will be able to get excited again with out having to feel like something going to happen, all I could say just how it comes it will go, hope you feel better soon God bless.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria 

       same thing here, i don't like to be around people to much. When my husband tells me he will be inviting people over i get so anxious! Also i get anxious when i'm on the phone with friends i get the weird feeling and the tightness in my throat... my husband will ask me what news did you talk to anyone and I don't!! He said i changed so much, i use to be on the phone for hours... 

      But as i told Goddess its much better then it was a year ago, and for that i'm so thankfulsmile


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      Hi I don't like going to stores anymore either. I don't like crowds or just interacting with people in general. It just causes anxiety.

  • Posted

    Interesting topic.  And yes, our changing cycles certainly takes it's tole with all aspects of your being.  I was just going through my old period charts.  It's interesting to see how the closer I got to menopause, the more my pain issues took over.  My dwindling hormone base put me into chronic, horrid pain with my muscles and ligaments.  It wasn't until I got several years into menopause and developed vaginal atrophy and dryness, that I was given vaginal estrogen.  And then ALL the pain went away.  


    • Posted

      that's one symptom i can't get rid off, the constant muschle pain, some days gets so bad can't move..i try to keep all negative thoughts out of my mind because it seems gets even worst when i get anxious and scared!!!

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      Maria, have you tried any estrogen?  If so did it help at all?  
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      No gailannie. I'm so afraid to take anything and my dr agrees special with my family history..

      My daughter just told me that her GYNO along with couple more drs they created a natural path to healing menopause symptoms (vitamins, exercise, group meetings) and I think I'm going to go see them..

    • Posted

      Hope this helps Maria!  But for me estrogen was the answer to the muscle pain.  It because about quality of life, and mine was in the dump.   
    • Posted

      same here...its so sad how many women suffering with this. the nail lady yesterday we were making a small talk and see was in tears telling that the past 4 months she is been from dr to dr, test after test all came back normal and still feeling the tightness in her chest and horrible joint pain..but none of the drs mentioned perimenopause...she is 46 years old and scared never thought of that. Is discusting how drs can be so ignorent!!!! I felt so bad for her, it reminded me of me at her age alone and scared that i'm having something horrible!!!

    • Posted

      BOY DO I KNOW THAT FEELING.  I went to a dozen doctors looking for help.  They all made me feel like I was a hypocondriac.  I remember leaving a rheumatologists office, running to the car to sit and cry.  

      It wasn't until a couple years into meonpause that I got into vaginal atrophy and dryness, THEN they took notice!  I was given vaginal Estrace and within weeks of using it, all the pain went away.  Can't tell me it's not related.  

    • Posted

      i just feel so bad for all of us...i still getting my period like clock work every 23-26 days so they think I am a hypocondriacsmile i had a dr that he told me that i wasn't cut to be a house wife and needed to go out there and get back to work force because i'm having to much time in my hands and i'm creating all this... to top everything he called the ENT specialist and told him that.. so when i visited the ENT dr he treated me like i was a phycho escapeesmile .. Of course i changed a dr but don't think this one is much better but at  list he makes me laughsmile 

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry.  It's crazy that they can't see or do anything for these changes.  Woman feel it and tehy know.  But to suggest that this is all in our heads its insane.  

      At that time with that rheumatologist, I was cleaning 3-4 houses per day.....and he told me I needed to do arobics!   Seriously?  I moved all day, everyday from 7:30 am till 4-5pm.  And this jerk thinks I just needed some exercise.  But apparently there is no way they could hear their own stupid statements.  NO HELP WHAT SO EVER. 


    • Posted

      Thanks ladies for your replies!

      just knowing that's more people going through this feels better already,  &  I do hope & pray it gets better for all of us!  I'm so tired of just not feeling my self, I do however try to embrace what the woman I am starting to become, but I know anxiety and craziness is not really me…! So I just pray & ask the lord to make strong enough to cope. 

      Thank you so much ladies for sharing your situations with me. 

    • Posted

      LOL!!! they come with the stupidest things when they don't know how to diagnose it!!! The ENT dr he couldn't come up with anything so he said i can clean up your ears!!!! there was nothing in there you needed a microscope to see if anything was there and i never had a problem with my hearingsmile I'm telling a witch craft dr would come up with better diagnosis!!!

    • Posted

      I woke up with a painful shoulder that became a frozen shoulder within a couple of weeks and they INSISTED that I must have pulled a muscle even though I sat there and said it all happened after I missed my period and that I believed it was dropping hormones!  I had been doing pilates for years and could bend every which way until all this hit hard.  I was astonished at their remarks.  Same with the hormone related anxiety, told I was a nervous person, ha, the list goes on.  Luckily the anxiety attacks have gone and the shoulder is fine again and I'm back to stretching again.  They haven't a clue how it affects us, it's appalling...

    • Posted

      Couldn't agree more.  I also developed frozen shoulder as soon as I missed a period or two.  It was 6 months before I could lift my left arm.  

      It's almost embarrassing that women know and can draw these connections, but doctors can't.   Really, would it be too much to do a detailed on-line symptom checker survey, and at least identify those things that women experience when our hormone base declines.  At least this way, doctors wouldn't have the right to say we need arobics, were a nervious person, depressed hypocondriacs.  HECK ya we're depressed, caused by an ineffectual medical response to these problems.    

      So if nothing else, we can help other women understand they are not alone in all this.  They aren't crazy, just depressed, or nervous by nature.  

      Funny, I did four years of chronic dibilitating muscle and ligament pain, then got into vaginal atrophy, painful sex, and dryness.  Not one doctor thought to ask if I was menopausal.  But the minute I got some estrogen in, all the muscle pain went away.  THANK GOODNESS.  Vaginal Atrophy is something they will pay attention to, but all else they simply ignore.  

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      yes, you would think by now, they would be compiling a list of medical complaints from all the women who have gone through or going through this.  I was shocked at how much they didn't seem to know.  We are the wise ones, and we are telling them, but they are not listening.  Every moment there is a woman out there being hit by weird feelings and ailments, going through what we did and still are, and not getting answers soon enough.  It is the ignorance that makes it so difficult, reassurance would half the difficulties. (just discovered bold button smile )

    • Posted

      Isn't that the way? Say you wanna have great sex, and Drs fall all over themselves to help.

      Say you want to live without the new aches and pains and they say it's in your head.

      Makes me 😠! !

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