Unexpected and has knocked me for six

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Hi all,

So pleased to find this site.

Thank you in advance for reading my waffle and any insight you may be able to offer.

A little about me. I'm 37 years old I started suffering with fatigue and feeling generally low back in 2012 and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Commencing Levothyroxine initially helped ease the symptoms but gradually the feeling of utter exhaustion, mental confusion etc returned and despite going back and forth to the GP my thyroid bloods indicated I was on the correct dose therefore I excepted that this was me and I had to adapt my life to cope therefore I left my stressful career.

A few years ago my periods became irregular but I put this down to the stress of losing my dad and then my best friend.

Last year I experienced my first ever UTI and I have had urinary frequency problems ever since.

I was signed off sick from work November because could no longer cope. I could barely get of bed, I felt confused, repeatedly getting up in the night to pass urine. The doctor said he thought I was suffering with depression and commenced me on anti depressants. I was also referred to urology and i had a pelvic scan. Scan was normal and urologist said i had an irritable bladder.

I went back to my GP a couple of weeks ago in tears and he decided to run some hormone blood tests and he phoned me last week with the results. He said the results were not what he expected. My Oestrogen levels are below 20! 😩 and he said anything below 20 would indicate Post menopause however I have a raised SHBG and normal FSH and LH.

So confused by the results I am seeing an endocronologist next Friday so no doubt things will get a little clearer.

The menopause never even entered my head and I'm feeling really emotional coming to terms with it.

Has anyone had similar confusing blood results like the above?

Will this get better with hormone replacement therapy as I currently I secretly wish of going to sleep and never waking up 😩 i'm just so tired of life. (I'm not thinking of doing anything to myself but I shamefully can't help thinking that way)

Many Thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    You need to request Not only TSH blood test as that’s all the NHS Drs will do you need to insist on freeT3 , freeT4 and total T3 , ask for your ferritin to be checked as well , this can also cause low mood and exhaustion. 

    I was told if your progesterone levels dip to low you won’t get your normal periods your thyroid becomes suppressed and symptoms of hypothyroidism and autoimmune can become even worse . If you also have a leaky gut you won’t be absorbing your Levothyroxine. I found out the hard way and had to learn it all myself through books and the internet . 

    Keep fighting there is light 


    • Posted

      Hi, Clare Thank you so much this info. Think I am going to have to start doing alot more reading and start trying to take more control back...I think I have become complacent and I have put far too much trust in the hands of my GP...learning the hard way.

      Thanks you so much X

  • Posted

    Giggle, I'm so sorry you are struggling.  You have mentioned stress in your life, that can have a very negative impact on your hormones.  In addition, I think your elevated SBHG has something to do with this.  It binds not only estrogen, but also thyroid.  

    Obviously these would be things to look at.  Why is your SBHG so high would be a logical place to start.  Unfortunately, I'm not familiar enough with Levothyroxine to know if this could be interfering with your levels.  But at least that is something to ask about.  

    Your FSHand LH levels indicate that your brain is not screaming, although those ranges are fairly large depending on the part of your cycle when you are being tests.  

    Again, I'm sorry.  You must feel really lousy to say the least.  I hope you have a good physician who will help you get to the bottom of this.  

    • Posted

      Hi gailannie

      Thank you so much for you advice and kind words x

    • Posted

      I honey you sound a lot like me and I was a mess exactly like you mentioned I had hypothyroidism and I had personal struggles that put my stress very high and suddenly i was hyperthyroid that has all the symptoms that you mentioned. I needed to expend a lot of time at the emergency and several doctors before they understood I wasn't crazy was my hormones. Very often they don't listen and don't want to repit blood or hormone test just because it was done like 2 or 3 months before well when you have stress levels higher your system can change overnight and doctors don't listen. Be kind to you, listen yourself and good luck 

    • Posted

      Hi Marcia,

      Thanks for your kind words. My GP did make me feel like it was in my head and put it all down to mental health luckily I had my mum backing me up and she encouraged me not to give and be persistent in getting some answers and it finally appears I'm starting to get some answer and validation that all the symptoms weren't in my head

      thanks again x

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