unexplained symptoms
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I think I am also having symptoms of perimenopausal. I feel like going mad at times, teary, expressed emotions and feeling tired all the time. Ongoing joint neck muscle pain. Experiencing blood clots during period only for 3 days now, just dont remember having normal days when i dont to feel the pain,. mood swings and just feeling crap.
That is why I thought to look for forum where I see people experiencing more or less the same thing as I am.
I just lacking motivation at the moment.
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sharcerv52408 lyn10685
I am grateful for this forum. It has helped so much. Be encouraged. Hugs to you!
barbara49965 lyn10685
I do take nutrition fx which is great for hot flushes and I am now going to get some B6 as suggested by the other lovely ladies and will let everyone know how it helps with my tiredness.
I do think its always worth seeing your doctor plus trying alternatives also!
SONJA3124 lyn10685
Perimenopause is difficult as your hormone levels are changing. I went through the same thing with crazy emotions, extreme exhaustion and my weight shifted. I stil weighed the same but couldn't fit in my clothes any more - all my weight shifted to my belly and butt. Finally got tired of being tired and went to a doctor that specializes in bioidentical hormone therapy. It's something you might want to look into. He blended two different types of estrogens along with progesterone and I'm happy to say I have my life back. Energy, thought clarity, no more crying spells. It might be worth looking in to.
jayneejay SONJA3124
bio dentical hormone info... that may intereat some ladies...
Are they safe ??
Are bioidentical hormones safer and more effective than hormones used in traditional hormone therapy for menopause symptoms?
Answers from Mary M. Gallenberg, M.D.
No, they aren't. The term "bioidentical" means the hormones in the product are chemically identical to those your body produces. In fact, they are — but so are the hormones used in many FDA-approved hormone replacement products.
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and several medical specialty groups, bioidentical hormones may be riskier than are hormones used in standard hormone therapy, and there's no evidence they're any more effective.
Marketers of bioidentical hormones say their products have these advantages over standard hormone therapy:
They're derived from plant chemicals, not synthesized in a laboratory. Even though they come from plants, bioidentical hormones still need to be commercially processed to become bioidentical. Some FDA-approved products — such as Estrace, Climara patch and Vivelle-Dot patch, which contain estrogens, and Prometrium, a natural progesterone — also are derived from plants.
They're produced in doses and forms that differ from those in FDA-approved products. For many nonstandard combinations, you need to go through a compounding pharmacy — one that specializes in making medications customized for your individual needs. However, products from compounding pharmacies haven't been subject to the same rigorous quality assurance standards that standard commercially available hormonal preparations have to meet.
They're custom made for you, based on a test of your saliva to assess your unique hormonal needs. Unfortunately, however, the hormone levels in your saliva don't reflect the levels in your blood or correspond to menopause symptoms.
Some women may benefit from nonstandard doses and forms of hormones in bioidentical hormone preparations, but there is almost no scientific support for an advantage of these compounds over common commercially produced preparations.
SONJA3124 jayneejay
Thank you for your posting but I have to say that the FDA is really against any type of homeopathic remedy and considering their track record of approving medications that are "safe" and then pulling them off the market after they learn about the life threatening consequences I don't put a lot of stock into their opinion.
As for the testing - my doctor does not believe in using saliva and prefers blood testing which more accurately reflects your hormone levels. I've noticed where I live doctors that maybe take a weekend special course in hormone therapy just to get a certification in this are tend to lean toward saliva testing.
It takes some research but there are legitimate doctors that practice hormone replacement therapy.
To each there own though. I was merely offering my opinion about my experience with perimenopause and menopause. Bioidentical hormones have helped me restore balance in my life. For a couple of my friends - they prefer to use herbal remedies and for others FDA approved meds. It's a personal choice.
jayneejay SONJA3124
exactly.. each to there own .. i know what you mean...
we all have our own ways and preferences dont we.. its a long old journey .. i know .. been in peri 10 years... and nearing the end .. or will have hopefully if I get to mid aug ... it will be 12 months no periods and a long old journey, but feel liberated all the same..
what we have to consider with HRT and Bio etc do work brill for many and we each deal with the symptoms differently, HRT wasnt an option for me due to family members and breast cancer during HRT ..
I even tried the natural ( so they say) progesterone cream for 10 months and grew a big breast lump very scary.. it went a few weeks after stopping ..
and also theres the after HRT no longer given period ie.. age of 60 then ladies many of them have worse Peri symptoms than before they went on HRT ... its so not nice making choices and not knowing if this will happen. I had to choose natural and research all the treatments with much interest and being an ex nurse etc.. its in my bones..
for me I didnt want to confuse the peri hormones that want to naturally decrease ... i just wanted my body to get it over and done with.. giving my only natural assistance as no other choice..
good luck hun .. glad the bio are helping you.. Jay x
Sandy07 lyn10685
jayneejay Sandy07
oh bless you hun, hope the B6 works for you as well as it has for me, it was only March time when I broke down in tears whilst eating dinner, ( it wasnt the dinner) hahaha i was full of anxiety, didnt want to go out, or drive any where, ached and felt low no energy.. but from April all this went and thats when i started 150mg B6 daily.. so I hope it works for you too..
keep us informed, mine started working after just a week... mind you I take Menapol Plus etc as well as other natural supps and vits ..Jay xx
lyn10685 Sandy07
jayneejay lyn10685
useful snippet off web for you..
Menopause Mood Swings & Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 may alleviate menopausal mood swings.
During menopause, mood swings are inevitable with estrogen fluctuations as the body ends its reproductive years.
Vitamin B6 may be one answer to alleviating increased agitation, depression and anger. B vitamins are responsible for mood stabilization by controlling hormone production in the brain and regulating hormone levels. B6 declines as menopause sets in and mood swings become evident. Increasing this vitamin may give women the added boost they need to enjoy the golden years with a better mindset.
For women who suffer with brain fog, and memory issues in perimenopause, low levels of B6 could be part of the problem.
Depression, confusion, and an inability to concentrate are all associated with B6 deficiency. Vertigo, dizziness, and heart palpitations are also common complaints from women going through perimenopause.
All of these symptoms have been associated with (among other things) a B12 deficiency.
Vitamin B6 can also help with stubborn weight gain in perimenopause. It is key in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in our diet, and is necessary for a healthy metabolism - both which can help manage weight.
supplements of 100mg to 300mg per day ... depending on severity
nannyjayne lyn10685
I feel for you as am very similar, and its awful. Many of the replies to my discussion mentioned Vitamin b6 150 s daily, as it can help with many of the symptoms you are describing.
I take flaxseed and Vit e as when i started experiencing these symptoms i researched how i could help myself.
lyn10685 nannyjayne
Just really good to talk about it and shareexperiences with people who knows what we arr going through xx
belinda27959 lyn10685
jayneejay belinda27959
I use to be just the same, I went through a stage of crying at the drop of a hat, felt so overly emotional, just simple tasks like cant do something quick enough or something fell on floor etc I broke down... I have never been a tearful person before peri, ' always regarded as the strong one'
but after 10 years of it, much research, and alternative HRT research over many years, and seeking B6 150mg, ' the magic one in my exoerience' since April I am a new person, Just adding this to my naturals has changed my life, I am always interested if other ladies try it and tell me their feeling tonnes better many ladies have ... 150mg per day Vit B6 ...
i couldnt believe how my Anxiety, feelings of doom, worthlessness, tearfulness, achey body etc, just lifted after one to two weeks, energy back, mojo back .... amazing for me... Jay xx
beth64101 lyn10685
lyn10685 beth64101
I have to do something because it is quite debilitating and it is stopping me to do things i enjoy. Just i just got back from swimming because my mother when she had her peri, occupational health where she used to work advised her to do a lot of swimming so i started swimming again and running. I must say i felt better since & i stopped caffeine or anything stimulant as it triggers anxiety & fears & all these negative emotions. My sister in law belongs to a group forum which i am really keen. I will find out if there is anything like this in my area. Hugs to you and i hope you feel better soon x
beth64101 lyn10685
jayneejay lyn10685
i agree with that... swimming is just the best.. i swim daily and also do under water exercise... so invigorating and keeps you nice and cool ..
enjoy and take care Jay xx
jayneejay beth64101
try not to worry... worry will tense you and make you miserable..
stop thinking the worst... it may never happen...
tread mill ... good girl..
rowing is nice too, i have a little rower 😃 ..
dont over do it though... gently gently .. Jay xx
beth64101 jayneejay
lyn10685 jayneejay
Its been nearly two years for me so hopefully i will understand these symptoms betters by talking about it with people. I will try to keep up the swimming and hope that what i am feeling better.
I agree with you that after a swim, it's invigorating and feel really good. I still have the neck pain but my arms is getting better so far, i hope that it will carry on.
Over year ago, i could not walk & could
Not move my neck so came along way xx
jayneejay beth64101
your anxiety is abit of a worry ... I had anxiety before with peri but for me it went with the B6 and a good job as my other half works overseas and i only see him once a month for a weekend... so I had to snap out of it, & accept the situation ....
are you on anti depressants Beth ? has your doctor given you these ? maybe they dont suit you if he has, docs dish these out like sweets for peri .. almost like 'here take these space your self out and go away' mine tried it in January but i wouldnt take them, had them years and years ago and they just spaced me out, made me angry, and didnt make me better, just worse, they masked a problem for me, i wasnt depressed just made me worse... but they do work for some.... you must learn to relax Beth, your hubby has to go to work, I think you are worrying about everything too much at the moment, and worry is the cause of many ailments and it wont help you.... tell yourself today ... is a new day and I am going to try and enjoy it and feel good about myself because if it... Jay xx
jayneejay lyn10685
well done Lyn, so pleased your not in the cant walk time now....
swimming is gentle yet very effective for a work out...
I shall be jumping in the pool about 2pm 😀 and stay there for 3 hours 😀
have a good day Lyn, keep up the good work, and enjoy life hun..
Jay xx