Unhappy clinic experience
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I went to a walk-in clinic today and the nurse practitioner spent most of the time looking at her computer. I think the medicine she prescribed is helping my issue, but the report she's sending to my GP is full of errors. She listed some details of an exam that she didn't actually do and completely made up a reason for my symptoms instead of writing what I told her. She also listed a medication that I don't take in my records. After so many doctor visits and surgery earlier this year, this is just more craziness I don't need. Sooooo tired of this stuff! Maybe I should avoid walk-in clinics, but I've had good experiences at this one before and it's Sunday... oh well. I think my new goal in these peri years is to try harder to stay well!!! It is possible, right???
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Sochima822 Guest
Guest Sochima822
looloo43 Guest
Guest looloo43
She gave me Macrobid for a possible UTI. I think I didn't eat enough with my second dose last night, though. I ate a larger amount of food with my dose this morning and feel a bit better.
looloo43 Guest
Guest looloo43
Sochima822 Guest
You were lucky you got a medicine that can help you, many times it's hit or miss, even with all the errors, at least something good came out of it.
Guest Sochima822
CCinCal Guest
I hear you about being so tired of it all. Doctors, medical offices, prescriptions, pharmacies, etc. so sick of seeing, hearing, talking to them.
Personally I avoid nurse practitioners. There aren't too many here fortunately.
Guest CCinCal
I've had mixed experiences with doctors and NPs, but overall, I've fared better with doctors. I am more determined than ever to improve my overall self-care and health.
gentleballads Guest
i too sometimes feel the irritation and insanity we ladies feel in our heads at this time of transition is really not from within us but outside us
its just that we need to be more patient these days
when i feel these instances these days i just tell myself to stop ....not react ....take time to reassess and then respond if response is sought
Guest gentleballads
Exactly. I decided that this can be cleared up easily with a short memo to the GP to put in my file with the correct info. I saw him in January for the same issue, so he knows my history and also made my urology and gyn referrals. Probably should have gone to his group's weekend clinic instead - would have been a NP there, too, but a better one.