Update on my BHRT journey.
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hi everyone,
i wanted to let you all know that since my last post asking about odd feelings down below. Ive just been to Drs again this time she said i have vaginal vault prolapse. I previously had bladder prolapse repair and hysterectomy at same time, now this has happened. I wonder if its coincidence that this happened as soon as i started BHRT therapy? Feeling very upset and low dont know how much more i can take. How can i cope with more? How do i find the strength to keep going? My body has just given up, no one at home to talk to about my fears. My anxiety is way out of control! I really need some coping advice from all you lovely girls!
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valarie24431 carol62649
Carol I'm so sorry to hear what you're gling through. I know the feeling of anxiety being way out of control. I've been dealing with it for a long time now. It's pretty much from the moment I wake up to the moment I close my eyes. I'm currently trying to find answers and ways to feel better. I just cried my eyes out to my husband 30 minutes ago about how I don't feel like myself anymore and tired of the depression, anxiety and my fearful thoughts robbing me of quality time with him and our kids. Im so over all of this. I'll definitely keep all of us in my prayers. Take care.
carol62649 valarie24431
Hi valerie,
thanks for your reply, we all relate to each other dont we. Especially the anxiety, and depression we feel.
i dont say too much to my nearest and dearests, i really need to try and not let myself feel so alone. Hard place to be isnt it!
i am not overly religious, but i do ask the angels and the universe to help me manage. I try to go out every day just for a walk and window shop, and chat with people out and about. I dont eat alot of sugery foods, lots of water etc. i can only wish us all better health. Good luck to you in this journey of life! 🌺
lynda20916 carol62649
Hi, Carol,
Sorry you're having to go through this! I'm not sure that hormone therapy can cause vaginal vault prolapse. I think it might me a side effect of your hysterectomy and bladder prolapse repair. When the uterus is removed the internal organs, including the bladder and intestines shift. Did you ask your doctor if this could be a side effect of the previous surgery? Did your doctor offer any solutions to this? Will you have additional long term difficulties?
Are the feelings you're experiencing painful, or is this just one more blow that you have to take? I can understand those feelings. I'm recovering from a hysterectomy myself. I'm just starting to become more physically active.
I know that all this is overwhelming, and that sometimes it feels like your body has betrayed you. But hold on! I suggest that you find little ways to treat yourself as the special person that you are. Don't give up hope! Try to befriend your body, if you can. Your body has enabled you to experience your life, ihappiness, sorrow and moments of grace.
My best to you! xx
carol62649 lynda20916
Hello lynda,
thank you for your kind reply, i know that after a hysterectomy vag vault prolpase can happen, i just hoped i wouldnt have that problem. Seems no amount of wishing and hoping helps. I asked Gyno after my op should i do kegels he said they dont do much! I had a few sessions on a chair that sends impulses through the pelvic region, so i thought i was doing ok.
Today im really feeling away from my body, depressed, just had a racing heart episode. i didnt realise how awful menopause could be, this all kicked off after surgery. Drs havent been much help, i just so hoped someone would give me the magic pill!
thanks again for your support all the best to you as we travel this path! 🌹
lynda20916 carol62649
Hi Carol,
I had my hysterectomy on July 18, due to endometrial cancer. I was staged at 1a, so that was lucky. I have been recovering, but lately, I have been having uncomfortable twinges where my cervix used to be. I am wondering if that indicates vaginal vault prolapse. I'm not sexually active, so that's not a concern--but it's something I'll have to deal with. I'll see my doctor next week, and speak to him about it.
I am working to become more active. Every twinge or feeling of dizziness makes me want to panic. Though I need to sleep, at times when my head hits the pillow the feelings of anxiety are there, too. I am so grateful for this site and being able to speak frankly!
Thank you for your kind words, too. Please let me know how you get on!