Update post menopausal bleeding
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Hi everyone. I could not find my old thread but I was experiencing spotting a few weeks ago. I had a Pap smear and swabs last week and the dr called me today to say it showed a bad yeast infection. I am picking up medicine tomorrow. I am still having a biopsy next week. Also had an EMG and nerve conduction test on my legs today as I have been twitching a lot. Moderately sever nerve damage in my left leg along with my torn hamstring all a result of my insane obsession with exercise. No more running, no more of my tapes, no more lower body exercises. It's the only thing I took pride of in my life and I'm feeling quite down about that. Going for an MRI to find out what's happening with my hamstring.
I hope everyone is doing okay. And I will start replying to everyone's posts. My daughters wedding is one week and I have preoccupied with that
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Sochima822 glynnie
Hi Glynnie, I cancertainly sympathize with you as I, too, suffered from horrible twitching from nerve damage to my lower back that put strain on my sacroiliac joint. Went to a chiropractor which made it worse, so they referred me to an acupuncturist and that worked to get rid of it. I'm now able to exercise, where before I was in excruciating pain and thought my gym & track days were over. Maybe you'll be able to exercise again but will need therapy of some sort to help recupuerate any damage done to the nerve and leg's muscle tissue.
Don't give up hope that you won't be able to exercise again, it'll be only a matter of waiting for things to get better.
glynnie Sochima822
Thank you. You have given me some hope. If I just take it easy for awhile and heal, I can get back in the saddle. Now I have to make sure I don't start over eating as I'm exercising less. It's always something it seems. Glad to hear you are back in the gym. ! How long did your twitching last ?
Sochima822 glynnie
About a 6 months to a year. But the acupuncturist and physical therapist really helped to reduce the inflammation that was going on in my back and legs. Every once in a while I was feel the twitch, but it happens when I wear pointy shoes, such that my therapist said that it's not good for the feet to be in pointy shoes, so now I wear round toe shoes and the twitching has all together stopped. This is another thing, make sure your shoes give you the support your feet need, wearing flip flops or flimsy shoes causes your toes and feet to become imbalance, and that puts strain on the nerves and muscles. I wear cushiony shoes with round toes and my feet don't suffer from any kind of twitching or muscle spasms like they did before.
kerry_89290 glynnie
Thank you for letting us know 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 praying for good results will be sending positive healthy thoughts take care xxx