Upset stomach with anxiety
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Hi I'm 48 and have had various peri symptoms particularly dizziness for years now probably at least 7 anyway, in the last 3 months anxiety has hit me hard
I get so uptight about appointments that have been prescribed diazepam for occasional use (not daily and only 2mg)
The worst symtom is an upset stomach every morning and I really hate it just wondered if anyone else has experienced this ?
Thank you Deb x
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Sandy07 debbie12340
debbie12340 Sandy07
take care x
kerry91 debbie12340
sorry you're feeling so bad, sure the anxiety makes your stomach worse, but the stomach issues are also a symptom of peri due to dropping estrogen. I was also on Diazepam last year but I quit it because my body wanted more of the stuff and in the end you take it daily just to feel normal. When the drug wears off your anxiety levels soar so you take some more etc, etc. I've switched to natural remedies. I take oil of evening primrose, omega 3, vit E (a lot of women here swear by B vits but my stomach won't take them, maybe you can) I do breathing exercises which work very well, check out cardiac coherance on the net. I also eat well. No caffeine, no alcohol, no sugar, loads of veggies! It's trial and error and everyone is different, good luck!
debbie12340 kerry91
kerry91 debbie12340
I didn't want to worry you! that's not the point of this forum. I was just telling you about my experience which could serve as a warning. I had a huge anxiety problem last year when doctors were looking for cancer (which wasn't there thank God) but it sent me into a spiral I was taking up to 6 a day! so two a month is not a problem, just be aware that they are addictive and your needs can increase.
jayneejay debbie12340
my Gyno in Spain gave me diazepam 2.5mg ..
For if anxiety came .. But he said if required take only one 30 minutes before bed .
his reckoning was for a good sleep and body rest as i have insomnia .
not for day time use .. And only for the odd occassion ..
i have only ever had one and had them since August ..
jay xx
debbie12340 kerry91
No that's fine, I'm not surprised you were experiencing huge anxiety under theses circumstances ! I hope you are well now 😊🙏 yes up to 6 a day could cause addiction I would imagine ! So I think my low use and dosage should be fine ! It's such a shame it can be addictive because it has really calmed me down on occasions. Thank again ! Deb
debbie12340 jayneejay
sorry i I missed your comment 😢 yes good idea taking at bedtime x hope you are well x
helen95781 debbie12340
I also suffer with anxiety. I think you will find that it is just an off shoot of anxiety. Mornings are always the worst because while you have been asleep your mind has been busy racing around with anxieties. Do you wake up feeling tired?
If it's any help my doctor said it was IBS when I used to get the same in the mornings caused by anxiety. I tend to get a bad stomach as a wave of anxiety hits nowadays. As the adrenaline wears off then the stomach settles.
Anxiety is a horrible thing and if you are like me it hits completely out of the blue.
My advice is to take those afternoon naps and rest when you can because anxiety can seem worse when you are tired. I have learned to rest and sleep when I need to and it does help.
Hope this helps. And remember you are not alone.
Always happy to chat.
Helen x
debbie12340 helen95781
hugs debbie x
jayneejay debbie12340
I too use to have an upset tummy every morning.
Turned out to be the magnesium i was taking.
Dont know if you take it in any vits
But magnesium citrate ot magnesium oxide acts like a laxactive.
Since i now take solgar chelated magnesium and i am back to normal now, it doesnt upset stomach.
If you take supplements check the bottles
Jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
No I don't take magnesium ! I bought the B6 and 12 at the weekend as you suggested though but haven't taken them yet, I think it's just what anxiety does to me . . . Just a horrible side effect of it ! Like I said appointments make me worry then I get all the symptoms
hugs to you Deb x
jayneejay debbie12340
yes also anxiety can upset tummy and make you feel sweaty 😞
Start your B6 & B12 Deb, take in the mornings and i am sure it will help you.
totally changed my life ..
like little drops of heaven 😊
big hugs
jay xx
tina90965 debbie12340
Sorry to hear you are experiencing anxiety.
I too get the dizziness with mine, it's such a horrible feeling isn't it.
I suffered anxiety for years on and off. I was much better for a long time. I have been going through peri for quite a few years now, this time I haven't had a period for nine months, so I am hoping it will carry on to go over the year and not have periods anymore. Just hoping things will settle down then.
I had a couple of weeks where I had an upset stomach every morning, I didn't think of it being due to the anxiety, but that was probably what it was.
I had been suffering recent with gastritis so I put it down to that.
Hope you feel well soon,all the best x
Sandy07 tina90965
debbie12340 tina90965
Thank you for your reply 🙏😊 yes it's really vile isn't it it get so often when I'm out or have to stand in a que at the shops ! Did you take anything for the anxiety at all ? Yes if you haven't had a period for 9 months that sounds very promising . . . Wish I could say the same ! I'm 48 and still have fairly regular cycles although did go 50 days a couple of months back ! Thank again and take care x
jayneejay Sandy07
how are you 😊
Holland and Barret do the Mega B100 time release ..
that has 100mg of B6 etc ..
also they do Busy B that also has 100mg B6 etc
have a nice day Mooma
i have a pile of ironing 😏 to contend with
jay xx
tina90965 debbie12340
I am taking vitamin b6, vitamin d, magnesium with calcium and zinc, omega 3 capsules and menopace.
I am going out today to get myself some vitamin b12 as this is also really good.
I hope I do not have a repeat of yesterday when I go out, I had to get off the train as I had such a bad hot flush and felt really faint with a wet back and neck 😔 I did continue to go shopping but closer to home, I had four more of these episodes !
I have noticed lately that I do not want to venture too far from home because of these feelings and the anxiety.
Take care Hun, Tina x
tina90965 Sandy07
Soy beans are really good, you can put them in your food when cooking, I heard they contain estrogen x
debbie12340 tina90965
Sorry to hear you had a bad day yesterday, I hope today Is better. If you don't mind me asking how long have you been able to get repeat prescriptions for diazepam ? I just worry my doctor might say I can't have any more ? Then I would be in trouble ! I have only had 2 prescriptions for 10 tablets so far and still have 12 tablets left, but I would just like to know I can get more in the future 😊🙏. Many thanks and take care x
jayneejay tina90965
soya milk should be avoided .
also messes with hormones
and men who have soya milk can grow breasts ( man boobs )
jay xx
jayneejay debbie12340
dont different countries vary ..
i got a prescription here from Gyno .. Took it to farmacia ..
they are boxes of 40 tablets cost me a couple of euros ..
jay xx
Sandy07 jayneejay
Sandy07 jayneejay
marlene21102 Sandy07
Didn't have it prior ,some are fine on them ,no probs at all and they can help,once been on them a while ,try cutting them back ,see if your anxiety has dropped on its own with less.We react different to these meds ,Trial and effort,as with all things ,yes anxiety will play havoc with your stomach .think that's hormones doing that for lots in menopause .
I'm okay on B12 but not B6 weird or what ,the 6 gives me a jippy tum ,but not the 12 .Why again is a mystery .So when Jay said give them a go ,go for it ,the Bs may settle anxiety down .
Jays well read up on these Vits ,so it's always good to read what's she's found out about them .
Plenty of deep breaths .Anxiety is the pits .,it does go with menopause ,hormones running riot ,but it will gradually drop ,to where days you will not notice any anxiety around you .
debbie12340 marlene21102
May I ask when you say those 'Meds' which one's are you referring to ?
Thank you x Deb
marlene21102 debbie12340
What I will add is if you do go on them ,give them a chance to get to work ,but after that you find not helped. Then go have word with dr ,then try another ,some say Citalopram for menopause have helped them best ,but took a while to work .Why struggle ,if short term these help,get past this anxiety .
I'm just unlucky they increase my anxiety,so I don't take any ,just keep natural ones from health food shop in drawer .there a good source to look at . Lots women try them first ,again it's what works for you .
You on anything at present ? Best wishes
debbie12340 marlene21102
what a shame they didnt work for you
I'm a bit confused what medication did you say made your anxiety worse ?
I have Dizazepam 2mg to take as and when I need to ! But not on a daily basis just on odd occassions. What natural tablets do you currently take ?
Best wishes Debbie x
jayneejay debbie12340
i dont like antidepressants at all .. Only my personal opinion .. It may work well for some i know,
they made me ( years ago ) feel sleepy, spaces out, and driving feeling like that is wrong... i had dry mouth. Thicj fuzzy head and couldnt function.
anxiety awful iin menopause .. But its anxiety... Not deep depression ..
there are supplements to assist that ..
i had a awful doc here in jan, gave me antidepressants again for menopause , when clearly i am not depressed, just dealing with the hormonal anxiety.
in my opinion Gps are clueless, Gynos are the ones who know whats what.
anyway he gave me the similar one to Citalopram mine was escitalopram 20mg, i took one, hours later i felt sick, dizzy, spaced out, unbalanced, couldnt judge the door way, banged into the door frame..
no thank you.
i then started B6 & B12 and never felt better
jay xx
debbie12340 jayneejay
One Doctor wanted to give me anti depressants but I said no ! But I have to say the Diazepam (Valium) are for good for occasional use. I know it's just anxiety from peri menopause but sometimes it just gets too much and I find it very difficult to calm down. The Dotor was useless when I asked if there was anything natural I could take to help, he said 'I'm a Doctor not a herbalist' how useful was that.
Will be be trying the B6 and B12 ASAP.
thnak you for all your replies xx
marlene21102 debbie12340
I keep handy the Rescue mouth spray ,or Rhodiola ,get that Holland and Barrett,or off of Amazon cheaper .there organic ,Glutten free to .
Look up natural anti anxiety ,if meds a problem ,I did in the end .
Some can't take these,so if on certain meds for other things ,so look for interactions with any Drs meds your on ,Drs can't tell you they say I've asked,so had to check this out for myself as I'm on a BP med .Bit of a minefield to getting what's right for you .Maybe others can shed some light on what's helped them you can try ,exercise can decrease it alone ,burns the excess adrenalin out of you.i even went and got an exercise cycle for those such days,use that more in the winter .
jayneejay debbie12340
good luck hun..
yes GPs are stupid sometimes, fancy saying that to you..
my old UK GP actually gave me B6 prescribed in early peri ..
he wasnt a herbalist either, he just had a brain 😊
Mind you he did also do homepathic meds too
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Those meds set anxiety off big way ,just one packet done it ,didn't have it till that packet ,another dr and his ignorance to just me and allergy ,a nasal med was what was needed .To this very day I regret seeing a dr ,I now wish I'd dropped into a chemist shop,had a word of my symptoms to pharmacist ,hey he would have told me a nasal spray was what I needed.
To late now ,wish I could turn clock back,not a day passes I don't think that ,if anxiety around me .Those meds are my menace ,just not cut out for them period myself ,again it's been a learning curve,since menopause began .
Some they help ,yes ,but some they don't I'm the latter to Jay .
marlene21102 debbie12340
I see by your post to Jay you were told by your Dr same as I was ,they no nothing about herbal ,How come then a surgeon told me to do Reiki for anxiety 2 yrs ago ,came away from hospital ,said to my husband how come he knew about Reiki as an alternative,where as doctors don't tell patients this .Got to wonder .Give my dr due ,did say about hypnotherapy .but hey she is a female ,earlier dr was the one who said they didn't know about herbal ,so my female dr I stay with trust her .
helen95781 jayneejay
I don't know what you suggest or what you know about anti depressants but I have been on them for 14 years now. I have tried to wean off them and every time I do i crash about 3 months later. When I say crash I mean have a nervous break down and end up back at the docs and put back on them again. It was so bad once that I had to give up my job.
I'm interested to know your thoughts on this as I feel completely trapped in taking them. The doctor suggested trying again but I don't want to have an experience like that again. Ever.
Helen x
jayneejay helen95781
i cant help you on this one hun ..
i can only speak for my own experiences ..
i am talking way before menopause in my case , i was put on them, several types, for many yeats, nothing suited me, made me worse, out my face, slow reaction, agressive towards my partner, weight gain, some made me feel like i wanted to end my life ..
Thats just my experience ..
I couldnt just stop taking them due to withdrawal symptoms, so i halved them and took half for three weeks, then Quarter for two weeks. ( need a pill splitter) then a quarter every other day .. Until no more
and never again for me .. For me they masked the root cause of the problem that was making me unhappy, once off them i could focus, think clearly and life began again..
cant advise anyone - this is based on my experience.. Everyone different and maybe has deeper problems inside than they explain .
good luck
jay xx