Vacation mixed with peri symptoms?
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Hugs to everyone. I started the peri rollercoaster a little over a year ago. During that time I never took a vacation. Just had an overnight stay away. Well I'm supposed to be leaving on Saturday driving to Florida and my aniexty from peri started to kick in on Monday. This was caused because my husband got a stomachs bug Monday morning and it threw my aniexty out of wack the past few days. He is getting better but not normal I'm scared with leaving for vacation that all my peri issues will kick in and I won't enjoy myself. I was wondering if anyone had any help thoughts suggestions etc on how to deal with aniexty issues etc from peri while trying to have a fun vacation. Thanks for any help.
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dawn70425 amy602
Hi Amy
Had you throught about HRT ? As that is suppose to be good.... by the sound of things your in USA?? Is that right? ...
Anxiety is alful thing to cope with, and I do know how you feel, I'm in to around my 5th year of the menopause, so right in to it now and hoping soon be over...
Over here in U.K. I take a herbel tablet called ' kalms ' and you can buy it on the internet or some shops, and that takes the edge of the anxiety what I have as well, it works for ME but as we are all different it's a mater of trying some thing and seeing...
Just try to breath through the anxiety, and take your mind of things and focus on some thing eles if you can, like I said to one lovely lady, the mind is a very powerful item, and over thinking will make it worse, I know it's not easy but in time you will learn to take your mind away, and feel a little better... keep talking on here as we are all here to listen and help if we can, there is loads of lovely ladies all here to help..
I really hope you have a wonderful time away, and I'm sure when your there things won't seem as bad, as you throught, so try and use your mind to think of other stuff, or see your doc, who may help out you... good luk, and enjoy
Take care big hug 🤗Xx
amy602 dawn70425
Hi dawn. Yes I'm in the US. I am on birth control to help. Been on it since last December. I just switched to new birth control last month. I was doing really good until hubby got sick and it set me off. I know that there is nothing I can do for him with the stomachs bug but I get the aniexty over it feeling the worst when it's really and thankfully some thing simple. Hope that makes sense.
dawn70425 amy602
Amy.. yes of course I understand, sounds like the switch over on your pills may be effecting you as well, untill your body really adjust to it...
When your low, every thing seems twice as big of a problem, and then your mind runs away with you, and befor you know it, the anxiety as set in...
Try to focus on some thing eles in your life when you feel the anxiety come on, your mind plays games with us, and we need to try and control that if you can..
Try the Internet to see if there's some thing you can get over there to just help you a bit, and if they are herbal they won't effect you or your meds so much...
Iv always said if we could have a switch at the back of our heads we could just turn our minds of, and things would not be as bad ...
Good luk to you, and I'm sure your husband will be better soon, enjoy your time in Florida,and see how you feel when you are back home ..
Take care lots of hugs 🤗X
kelly55079 amy602
Look up 'rescue me'.. I have heard many good things and the reviews sound great.
amy602 kelly55079
Hey Kelly thanks I think I looked that up awhile ago but never ordered it. Maybe I should get it and keep it on hand just in case. I'll be so happy when all this is over. Hugs.
Guest amy602
Just try and relax. If you get peri symptoms you will get them at home or on vacation, better to have them while you are laying on the beach.
amy602 Guest
Awe. You are so sweet. We will be in Orlando and coco beach. You are so right about better to have it lying on a beach then at work. Thanks. 😁😁😁😁😁
Guest amy602
samantha_12886 amy602
Hi . I was recommended star flower. I think it's made a difference . I don't know if it's available in the states. I'm in uk. Hope this helps and you can source it 😊
laura370 amy602
That "rescue me" didn't work for me at all. I bought 3 types of it and all it did was upset my stomach. I just started Remifemin and it seems to be helping. But then again maybe my anxiety this week isn't at its worst. Not sure which one it is, but I'm going to keep taking it. Keep us updated on how it's going because lately I've tried so many supplements that I feel like a drug store.
amy602 laura370
I def will. The only supplements I've tried is a b complex. Not sure if it does do anything as I haven't been on it that long and to be honest there are some days I forget to take it.