Vertigo for the last 2 weeks, is this part of Perimenopause too?!?

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Hello Ladies,

Hope this post finds you well and coping the best way you can. I’ve been in Perimenopause for close to 5 years now, had most of the symptoms, but the last two weeks have thrown me for a loop... woke up one morning and the room was spinning, I thought yeah, just a little dizzy spell, it will pass... well it lasted for the whole day, evryte I moved or reached for something or bent down, my head stayed spinning, even laying down or getting up from

The lounge my balance went and I felt like my brain was spinning inside my head.  So I googled my symptoms... as you do and I came up with vertigo... my question is this... is vertigo another fantastic symptom of Peri and if so what can I do or take to ease the symptoms?? I’ve also read that vertigo can be caused by low iron levels?!

Your thoughts Ladies?

Take care,


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Anna I suffered really bad with the dizziness so I went onto hrt patches and now I very rarely get them. I was checked for ion but was ok xx
    • Posted

      Hi Karen,

      Thanks for your reply. I don’t have cycles anymore as I haven’t had a period for 8 months now... this vertigo came out of nowhere. Am trying to stay clear of HRT until I really need it and hopefully I can find something herbal to help in the meantime. 

  • Posted

    Yes vertigo is no seem like mine would come on with my cycle, it would stay with me for months and then go away for dr prescribed me valium and it works...i know it sounds crazy it relieves all the symptoms.....stay encourage, this to shall pass.
  • Posted

    Hi Anna

    This is my worse symptom and has completely taken over my life.

    It started when I was 42 but wasn't constant, now at 45 I have it daily. It is only recently that I have made the connection that it may be my hormones - doctors have made me an anxious mess.

    i have an appointment on Thursday with the consultant and really hope he can help me.

    i will keep you updated 


  • Posted

    Hi Anna, I have this too! Not fun at all.. I have it daily and lots of things will set it off , walking into a store and the lights above,certain tv screens with them new LED LCD lights ambulance lights, snow, rain , morning light shining thru the trees, making my breakfast in the morning and turning from the sink to the refrigerator... And these episodes come along with the migraines and auras and the nausea its very scary I also get numbness with it.. It all goes hand and hand with it... I get scared I have something more serious like a brain tumor or MS I have NOT had an MRI so have no idea but have read this goes along with menopause and that's what I hold onto surely we all can't be having these episodes and have brain tumors, and it all comes and goes very weird indeed time of life.. I'm so exhausted with it all.. And hoping and praying for much better days ahead..stay strong and make it through one symptom at a time literally it can be scary but each and every episode does pass, it may come back but it does pass..

    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy,

      Thanks for your reply. Yes, this vertigo is scary to say the least. By far it’s the scariest symptom I’ve had so far, it just came out of nowhere and it’s been on & off the last couple of weeks. For me it’s just doing normal things like putting washing on the line or bending down to pet my dog or just walking in the shops and everything starts moving and the feeling of my head spinning inside my head is scary and of course the nausea & vomiting! I do hope this will just go on it’s own and doesn’t hang around and get worse.

      Thanks again for your reply. Take care xxxx

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