Very achey shoulders
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Ladies today I have been aching my shoulders my upper back my wrist I seen a post similar but couldn't find it this is driving me crazy one thing stops another starts I use to love being in the sun going fishing now I can't stand being outside longer than I have to also my stomach has been feeling ughhhhh I feel like I'm full and I have not eating anything my chest aches I'm thinking. Maybe because I sleep in central air my husband has to have it on I feel I do at times when I go through my hot flushes but other than that I hate the cold air I feel like I'm falling apart at the age of 50 ladies I'm having a bad day oh can't forget anxious lord it kicks in like a mule when I'm having a bad day to make me think something us wrong with me I'm sorry I know I'm all over the place but it's driving me kookoo and in my home nobody wants to listen I hate to keep telling my husband every little thing he's gonna think I'm nuts but he does listen just feel like I'm at my wits end lordy Jesus why oh why please ladies I need comfort today oh forgot seems like when I turn or bend over it's like my muscles are pulling from each other grrrrrr help me ease my day
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becky53379 monique_93857
Hi Monique, I get achy shoulders and arms too! I noticed that my shoulders are always pushed up and never relaxed. I have to really focus on my shoulders or I end up achy. I dont if you do that but kind of pay attention to see if that is what it is. I will pray for you
Sochima822 monique_93857
Hi Monique, are you taking any herbs or medication? If you are stop them and see if it goes away, medication or if you're allergic to something can cause myalgia and one of the symptoms is feeling weakness or a pulling down on the shoulders. Just thought i'd mention it in case you're on something that may be causing it.
sophie76397 monique_93857
Totally normal for peri/meno - achy shoulders, back, wrists, ankles - you are not going nuts and it will pass - can take forever but it will. I've endless symptoms, absolutely tons and I cannot even count how many times I've seen a doctor/specialist in the last year - always good to do to ease the anxiety but can't help thinking I'm being z pain in the butt. I'm not taking anything as I want to be in control - sound wierd but I know it will all eventually go one day. Thinking of you and of course keep on at your family - they love you and will always be there for you no matter how annoying it can be for them - my husband's eyes are always rolling up to the ceiling when I keep saying I'm dying of some mystery disease but he's being amazing and finally understands what an awful process this is. Hang in there
monique_93857 sophie76397
Now that you mentioned it I do sit and stand with my shoulders up my word they ache like the Dickens I don't take anything either nothing but my blood pressure pill once a day yes I believe it will go away I just always feel alone but you wonderful ladies have been great at easing my day it's awful what we go through if I could just get through a single day without these aches I would be so happy I have been doing great as far as not turning to any meds I pray that we all get through this soon without meds I'm in my 3rd yr maybe one day we can all look back and laugh about these forum's
monique_93857 sophie76397
Sochima822 monique_93857
jane63977 monique_93857
Do you have problems with your stomach and appetite ? I get this every so often and it makes my anxiety worse , as I feel sick with it . I've been like this all week since last weekend when I had a heavy period and bad migraine and I can't seem to shift the nausea . I know that the heat probably doesn't help and more you worry the worse the symptoms get . It's a vicious circle .I have currently got an achy right wrist . Sometimes I even have trouble picking things up and then it's my left knee that aches . I would just like some reassurance that feeling like this is the norm . It seems that since this time last year I've been living in the doctors when previously I hadn't been for years . I was always fit and healthy I will be 49 next month . Thank you ladies and lots of hugs Jane X
Sochima822 jane63977
jane63977 Sochima822
Is this quite normal then ? I keep imagining that I have all sorts of things wrong with me. I wish I could be carefree and healthy again . I also have a really heavy, clear discharge even though I only finished my period last weekend . It's only like I've wet my knickers ( sorry for tmi ) , but I feel like we can talk about anything on here . Thank you love Jane Xxx
Sochima822 jane63977
Wear a mini pad, it will pass as well. Just takes time while you're going thru this phase.