Very quiet today

Posted , 9 users are following.

Hi ladies

I've noticed it's very quiet on this forum this evening. Everyone must be ok ish 🙄

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Or too fatigued to share haha...

    Gotta laugh or it becomes too overwhelming 😊

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle...I have been quiet because I have been asleep here in Aussie lol.....Its 7 20am here I am always a day late in the conversations smile

    Its interesting seeing the time differences on here...I think so far I have seen people from america england and australia. Its amazing how we can talk to people all over the world at the click of a button. Its great we can connect on forums like this smile

  • Posted

    busy friday at work.  still waiting for next week to get cardiology approval to have my D&C surger under GA.  terrible pain behind knee and shooting down to foot since last week. i sit alot at work and home and have to stretch.  i did make plans to go swimming tomorrow night.  i miss it so much.  I am overweight and it is really the best exercise for me b/c i dont have to put my weight on my legs and feet like walking which is so hard for me to do for a long period of time.  i wish i had a pool of our own like we used to...putting that in the dream house plans for now smile  hope everyone has a symptom-free weekend.
    • Posted

      Do you know what Kath', I used to love my swimming before I started to suffer with colitis 4yrs ago. I'm currently off sick with a flare, but when not flaring I struggle just to get through my part-time working week & do a bit of housework. I am constantly chasing debilitating tiredness . Before colitis, I started from doing 10 lengths of big competition pool per session (2-3times a week after work or on day off) & built it up by 2 lengths every time I went until I was swimming 2miles a week eventually!! But since I started to suffer with colitis I had to knock on the head. I used to love it as it kept me fit, helped with anxiety/depression & made me feel so relaxed. It's such a shame when health in many ways gets in the way of doing things we love isn't it?. xxx
  • Posted

    No I'm feeling lousy today, itchy and getting the shakes. Just trying to maintain.
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    I had a bit of rough day, just dealt with it best I could. Its 6:10 pm in the US where I am, and I usually feel a little better by this time of evening. So I'm doing ok right now. Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling ok today and have a good weekend .

  • Posted

    Hugs to all you ladies.

    That's better I missed everyone,lol xx

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