Vitamin b12
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I am sure I'm perimenopause as any one tried vitamin b12 and did it work and how long till u feel a difference wheñ taking it I've got most of the symoms anxiety breathlessness dry mouth contispation excess gas ( burping ) periods irregular heavy bleeding crying the list goes on and on I have been in my house now since early September last year it been 7 months since I've been out of my house the only medication I am an is lorazapram been on 4 differentantidepressants all with bad side affects I'm struggling really bad at the moment ...
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maria_03422 tina05202
Hi Tina
I haven't tried b12 but i've been taking vitamin D and helped me so much!! Still suffering but not as bad as I did a year ago..
For me the anxiety and the body aches are the worst..I walk everyday for about an hour and that makes me feel better. No sugar, caffeine and alcohol helped also as well as reading!
It's horrible, I know but try to take time for yourself..
Feel better
didi0613 tina05202
tina05202 didi0613
Hi does any one get a really dry mouth I find when I eat certain foods I get a white coating on my tongue and have to keep brushing it off like I drink a lot of tea any thing with icecream milk cheese and some sauses like ketchup it seems really bad at the minute and also if I don't eat anything it seems to appear driving me crazy could this be thrush xxx
pinkcatfairy tina05202
Dear Tina
I sympathise with you, I have had most of those symptoms, I had a bad case of anxiety and couldnt even face going swimming which I try to do abit each week. I remember having a bad panic attack and needed to get out of the pool. I also had a bad one while at home too. I'm alot better now but still feel anxious at times in certain places and situations. I think low magnesium can also up the anxiety. I started taking multi vit for over 50's and it seems to help especially with the anxiety. It is wise to avoid caffeine and alcohol as these seem to make things worse x
tina05202 pinkcatfairy
Hi pinky cat fairy I dont drink but I do drink a lot of tea glad ur feeling beta every day is a struggle some more than other always feel like there's never gonna be an end to it its been over 2 years for me now I'm gunna try vit b12 need to find out were to get them and if they do patches ...
I have been trying to get out the house just to the corner of my street but it's hard
maria_03422 tina05202
Try to drink decaf tea, caffeine adds to the anxiety. You can get B12 at any grocery store or vitamin store. Try vitamin D's amazing how better you will feel after a week or so..
tina05202 maria_03422
Thanks Maria I will try decaf tea and will try vitamin did also it's a trip to the store for hubby when he gets home lol ...
maria_03422 tina05202
You go with him
I've been going through this for almost 7 years I'm 51 and still dealing with this horrible anxiety..2 years ago was really bad I had a panic attacts everytime I knew I have to travel and still do but I had to learn to push myself to do things..start small
grocery store walk around your neighborhood and you will see will start getting better..
tina05202 maria_03422
Maria I know I will have to push myself but have been so I'll and house bound I have made a start just to corner and back gonna do this and push a bit further everyday I have a physiatrist and a cpn nurse who are looking at new med for me scared to try something else but will give it a go I feel much better now I'm I've weened myself off them got to get the confidence to do more thats why I'm gunna try vitamins to see if they will help relieve some of the anxiety cause the mental health team are not getting things right for me so gotta help myself and I will get back out there and get my life back xx