Vitamin D defieciency

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I went to my doctors last week about feelings of UTI and the constant aching legs, blood test came back im very low in this vitamin and am going to start taking Vit D tablets tomorrow  when i pick up my prescription. there doenst seem to b e any food that can make up dfor this either, it usually affects over 50s though my ex daughter inlaw who is in her 20s has been found to need this too, i wonder how many ladies on hear have had this checked out. can cause quite a list of symptoms too.


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4 Replies

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    Susan, you are right, many people have D defficiency and I would love to say these symptoms are caused by lack of vitamin D, so everyone would take it and feel new instantly.  It is true, lack of Vitamin D  can cause many symptoms that are similar to peri...  but many do not have any D defficiency and still have the symptoms.  See my case, doctor found my D vitamin was a little bellow the low limit  BEFORE I started with my peri symptoms.  I started taking it and THEN I started feeling ill - heart palpitations, allergy-like-symptoms, etc.  For a while I blammed my calcium and vitamin D for those weird symptoms.  I even thought I had some kind of allergy to that but turns out that it did not make any difference if I took the vitamin or not, I would feel sick the same way.  I kept it, once I was lacking it, and when somehow my hormones balanced, I felt better.

    By personal experience, I think if you are really low in it, you will have symptoms, otherwise, you will only find you lack it in a blood test.  If your Vitamin D is not terribly low, your symptoms are probably peri related :S.


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    I've been taking  1 or 2 Calcium with vitamin D & K tablet each day since I started menopausal symptoms. (maximum dose is 2 a day)

    I also take vitamin c with zinc (the zinc stops cramp in my foot - yes, trust me to get cramp in an odd place!

    I have days when I don't get much to eat because of my Meniere's Disease, so that's why I started taking supplements. I sometimes take a multivitamin too about twice a week.

    The supplements took about 3 weeks to start working and my legs don't ache so much and the cramp is better (I've still got sciatica, I'm still working on that!)

    Fish oils, egg yolks and beef liver all contain vitamin D but I find it easier to take a supplement


  • Posted

    hi sue i didnt know about it but when i started taking calcium tablets i actually got the calcium with vitamin d not sure if that makes a difference of not but so far so good 
    • Posted

      Hi Lol64   well ive got mine today and their doenst seemt to be any calcium in these ones, my concern is the packet says one a day, the leaflet inside one a week, wonder should i be taking 6 times more, it says dont exceed the dose! think ill have to ring the chemist or the doctors before i take anymore tomorrow.  will see if these help as it says that vitamin D defeciency can be confused with  chronic fatigue syndrome which ive been suffering with for years now too.


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