Vitamin D defieciency
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I went to my doctors last week about feelings of UTI and the constant aching legs, blood test came back im very low in this vitamin and am going to start taking Vit D tablets tomorrow when i pick up my prescription. there doenst seem to b e any food that can make up dfor this either, it usually affects over 50s though my ex daughter inlaw who is in her 20s has been found to need this too, i wonder how many ladies on hear have had this checked out. can cause quite a list of symptoms too.
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BellaRubia susan556
By personal experience, I think if you are really low in it, you will have symptoms, otherwise, you will only find you lack it in a blood test. If your Vitamin D is not terribly low, your symptoms are probably peri related :S.
wen06862 susan556
I also take vitamin c with zinc (the zinc stops cramp in my foot - yes, trust me to get cramp in an odd place!
I have days when I don't get much to eat because of my Meniere's Disease, so that's why I started taking supplements. I sometimes take a multivitamin too about twice a week.
The supplements took about 3 weeks to start working and my legs don't ache so much and the cramp is better (I've still got sciatica, I'm still working on that!)
Fish oils, egg yolks and beef liver all contain vitamin D but I find it easier to take a supplement
lol64 susan556
susan556 lol64