Waiting for the day
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4am awake with thumping heart, anxiety starting all over again - this is all so horrible and all I want is to feel happy and enjoy life like all you other lovely ladies do aswell. Not getting easier. Hoping you are all in peaceful slumber unlike me x 😥
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becky221 Fairy28
Only 10:17 pm where I am! Watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Sorry you're not sleeping peacefully right now. Heart palpitations are scary. I take a low dose of a beta blocker. Been doing that for years. Works wonders for me.
Fairy28 becky221
becky221 Fairy28
Do you exercise? I find that helpful for motivation. Yoga is great for relaxation. There are even videos if you don't want to find a class. And maybe look for a place to volunteer. It helps us when we help others.
Fairy28 becky221
Yes I get tons of Exersise in my work and am knackered by lunchtimes ! Until fairly recently I used to walk two miles a day to our local shop and back as we live in a very rural area ( suits me fine ) but can't be bothered now, too tired. Ive heard that yoga is very good on so many levels I'll have a look thanks .
looloo43 becky221
That's a great idea to swerve yourself away from peri/meno hell. to pre-occupy yourself with another interiest, & so rewarding mentally to help others.
becky53379 Fairy28
Hi Lou, Im sorry that you are not able to sleep right now. It is 8:20 pm here and I am already feeling anxious about bedtime myself. This is miserable! Have you ever tried warm milk? I make some every night. It helps me
I will be praying for you right now that you are able to relax your mind and body and fall asleep. Take care!
Fairy28 becky53379
Hi becky, yes I have warm milk with a spoon of honey - my friend keeps bees and im very lucky to receive the occasional jar, does nothing for me but tastes lovely - it's just trying different things that help but sadly Havnt found the answer yet. Hope you sleep well ????
becky53379 Fairy28
Wow with fresh honey?! Never tried that before. Thank you hoping you fall asleep shortly
Fairy28 becky53379
becky53379 Fairy28
Definitely will
Fairy28 becky53379
molly08138 Fairy28
I'm awake too. Completely nauseous as usual. I know everyone says this will pass but I'm so sick of being sick. I've got a thirteen year old daughter who I fear thinks I'm dying. Add that to feeling like crap every day, the only respite I got was sleep and now that appears to be gone.
becky53379 molly08138
Fairy28 molly08138
Ah Molly poor you and I understand your worries about your daughter, I have two but they're grown up now - my youngest worries too when she sees me looking so rough and haggered. Let's just hope the day comes soon where we all feel better, huh can't see it myself ??
deborah_37796 Fairy28
Morning Lou, sorry you're suffering it's awful, I had the same 3 months ago. Are you not taking anything to help?
Fairy28 deborah_37796
Morning Deborah , were you feeling just the same ? Can't take HRT so just vits x