Waiting on ultrasound results

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Just went for abdomen ultrasound because of random but strong pains in my belly. Of course the technician did not tell me anything, so I am progressively becoming a nervous wreck. She said I should hear something from the doc today, which made me nervous that there could actually be something wrong. I will try to update this. The waiting is awfulsad

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm not sure if you are a believer in Christ but I pray you are.

    Please pray and trust God that no matter what happens you are covered by the blood of Jesus and he will walk with you! God Bless you!

  • Posted

    Sorry to learn that you're suffering through this!  Please try to be gentle with yourself, and don't "stuff" your emotions.  Of course you're scared!  Do you have a close family member or friend who will understand and that you can confide in?  

    Pain is a good indication that something is amiss. By going to the doctor, you have made a positive step towards getting it sorted.

    Best of luck to you, and let me know how you do! xx

  • Posted

    Let me know. Try to relax somehow. At least you will hear today, sometimes it is a longer wait. Often it is just something like fibroma in the uterus, which can grow big- lots of women have them, nothing worrying but sometimes it needs to be taken care of. It could be polyps, an infection etc. We all have this horrible tendency to think of the absolute worst.Itmay just be bowel related! 
    • Posted

      To everyone,

      It seems u are my close friends theough all of this. Thank you all so much. I was loosing my mind.

      They called me. I do have a hemorragic cyst, but the doc said my ovary looks okay otherwise and will just follow on that cyst in a few months.

      I hope with all my heart and wish that all of us are okay and feel strong and well.

      Thank you so so much.

    • Posted

      good to hear. It is always so great to go and get screened, despite the horrid anxiety it causes, it is the right thing to do. Keep well and healthy!! xx yay.
    • Posted

      Now treat yourself to something nice even if it is just a little thing.

      You deserve it. Try Not to stress too much. Now that is over with,

      thank God, relax and be kind to yourself.

      All the best to you, notsure😊😊

    • Posted

      Please don't be a stranger and let us know how you're getting on!  Glad that it can be monitored.

      Take good care of yourself, and we're here if you need us! xx

    • Posted

      I will not be a stranger. All of you help me so much. It is unbelievable how strong all of you are for finding time to help a total stranger while suffering such horrendous symptoms.

      I am around and hope all will get better for all of us.

  • Posted

    Hey notsure. Just now getting around to reading today's posts. Thank goodness it was something they can monitor and treat if necessary. The things we go through!!

    • Posted

      With every negative test I feel a bit better and a bit crazier. I am thankful to all of as I mentioned above. All of u share and stay in touch. Helping each other is so nice! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻Tnx tnx tnx

    • Posted

      Negative tests! I live them! I have e had many. I was in such a bad mood with so many tests, but we are lucky to be able to do them. Amen to health and modern medicine.
    • Posted

      We all feel a bit better but a bit crazier at times. You are normal.

      Have a lovely day today😊

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