Waking every hour
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Hi, for the past 3weeks I've been waking virtually every 1 or 2 hours with a fast heart rate and feeling very hot. This was preceded by months of poor sleep. I'm 46 and been having lots of mood swings in past 6 months. I wondered if anybody else has experience d such symptoms which could be peri menopausal related?
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CarolKelso helen16517
Yes indeed... I'd awful palpations that came from nowhere, headaches and neasua ... Have you had a blood test done yet to see if you have started the change.? Hang in there. CK
helen16517 CarolKelso
My blood tests didn't show any changes, but I've heard they don't always. Thanks for sharing you have had similar symptoms.
tina00239 helen16517
I am sure what you are going through is menpause related. I often fall asleep due to extreme exaustion yet an hour or so later I am wide awake again. I have gone for 5 or 6 nights in a row without any sleep and been on the verge of going mad with it but eventually I have a whole day where I can barely stay awake so I'm afraid its swings and roundabouts with most symptoms of this rotten process. XXX
helen16517 tina00239
tina00239 helen16517
In the begining I did, my heart would beat so hard and fast that I could see my left breast pulsing. It frightened me so much and actually caused me chest pain because I have angina. So twice amblances came out took ecgs and were normal so they went away and due to my high levels of anxiety and the palpatations my dr put me on a low but regular dose of diazepam with extra taken if I have a really stressful situation to deal with like the dentist which I simply love NOT. I know I'm one of the lucky ones as I can get diazepam whenever I need it. I know alot of ladies out there who cant get it or get it in such small amounts it is positively stupid. I know that the drs worry about addiction but that doesnt stop them prescribing ssri drugs which are in my opinion far more dangerous than diazepam. So little is known about ssri drugs but diazepam has been around a long time and I dont know many people who have had side effects from it. However if you dont want meds valerian is good for relaxing you and aiding sleep. But I totally know where you are coming from with the racing palpatations! XXX
anetta94863 helen16517
tina00239 anetta94863
Sorry but through experiencing long term use of both, I would take a benzodiazepine over an ssri anytime. I have had several benzos and under proper use and supervision because they have been around for so long they are tried and tested and side effects are known. Not so with ssris. They are nasty drugs. I was put on Paroxitine (seroxat) and was on them for 10 years. I started to get nasty long term use side effects and it took 2 long hard years to get off them and though I havent taken any since I still suffer side effects from the long term useage some 8/9 years after stopping. My dr even agrees with this and readily admits that not enough is known about the harm ssris do if used long term as compered to benzo drugs they are the new kids on the block. People need to google any ssris and long term use side effects before they take them. Also where as diazepam helps anxiety in most people both instantly and without side effects, ssris you get worse before you get better. That in itself is dangerous. I ought to know as my late husband was a sufferer of schizophrenia and was treated with ssris and killed himself with them because they increased suicidal thoughts! Sorry but you are misinformed about which of the drugs are more harmful. Addiction and slow weaning off of the drug is feasable. You cant come back from the dead.
judy65716 helen16517
Yes this was hell on earth when I stopped my birth control pills that I have been using for managing menopause symptoms. I thought I would just wing it but if you are in full menopause or even perimenopausal this can start effecting your sleep big time. The hot flashes were God awful and couldn't sleep more than an hour or two. I finally went back onto the lutera pills to stabilize me and in another 6 months will try hrt. What a nightmare! Try citrate of magesium diluted 1/2 ounce to 4 ounces of water for the heart palpitations daily. If you can't manage with the symptoms ask your gyn for what to take naturally or with the possible hrts availiable. For me I now know if your body can't make the transition on its own you will have all sorts of symptoms and it can last for a long time. Every woman is different. And the ssri's and all that I tried last year and made me worse! Trial and error...I'll take my chances with the hormones. As long as I take it I can sleep and no hot flashes. Still feel hot every so often though. Good luck!
tina00239 judy65716
Thank you so much Judy for sharing the bad experience that you also had with SSRIs. I was practically called a liar by another postee on this forum for warning ladies about them and if possible if they have to take meds for anxiety to take diazepam or similar if they can get it. Whilst it is true benzodiazepines are addictive and can need increasing doses over time to get the same relief, they are less damaging if used long term than SSRIs. They are just as addictive, also needing higher and higher doses to get the same effect, but they hide a nasty side effect that you dont realise until its too late. If you can get through the period where you get worse before you get better they have one more sting in their tail, they leave your brain chemicals totally messed up. I'm still suffering after withdrawing over 8 years ago, and I lost my husband due to SSRIs. He was given them to manage his schizophrenia but one day, he listened to the voices and took his own life. Benzos are the lesser of 2 evils if you cant cope without. Am very pleased to hear that you are getting good support from your dr and in managing your hormone imbalance, the hrt route is not perfect but I think with time and patience it will turn out ok for any of us trying it. Stick it out and hopefully like me you will at least get some improvement in your symptoms. Best of luck and lots of love XXX
helen16517 judy65716