Waking up
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Hi again can't remember if I put this post up, every time I wake and I drift back off I wake feeling awful can't explain the feeling but it ain't nice,anybody experience any sensations up waking let me know please.
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Guest maria76995
lena53512 maria76995
renee_26767 maria76995
I have been having this same thing lately ! Makes me feel better that someone else has too!😊
liz67338 maria76995
Hi Maria I've been experiencing this for a long time...about a year. I wake up feeling extremely unsettled and not well in myself and low. It takes several hours to start fading. I now wake up 2 hours before I have to go to work to give it some time to ease up a bit before I get to office then I keep myself to myself in office as much as I can until it starts clearing a bit. I've developed a routine in morning of having a good breakfast, an epsom salt bath with essential oils & herbal tea to help calm my system down and try & lift my spirits before I have to leave home.
maria76995 liz67338
I think it's Anixety doing it and fright attack with me wait till you settle down and sneak up on you..it's no joke never think hormones that brutal, what they say really nothing wrong with us.
liz67338 maria76995
Yes definitely agree anxiety plays a major part. So frustrating that's it seems impossible to manage the anxiety. So tough to deal with as seems never ending!
jamie50513 maria76995
I wake up with my heart pounding, head feeling weird and sometimes the internal shaking. It takes a while of me being up before it settles. It's scary and crazy. I believe it's anxiety.
juanita93228 maria76995
Yes, this has been happening for about six months. I wake up feeling unsettled or something I can't describe it and I NEVER want to go to work. But, by the grace of God I get out if bed and shower, pet my kitty Tinkerbelle and move on through the day.
paulahove24 maria76995
Yes I get this too. Wake up with a jolt once I ve drifted back off. I too believe it's an adrenaline rush. Makes me feel very scared and I can stay awake for a couple of hours. I try to meditate now, listen to the radio-all sorts!! You are not alone. It's very difficult not to feel scared when it happens though!!
Azzumi maria76995
Absolutely. I wake up feeling upset and confused to the point where I have trouble working out what my boyfriend is saying to me and it can last for 30minutes or longer . I'v woken up a few times and started crying instantly for no reason. Its the most unsettling feeling. I'm on bio identical hormones now and the difference is huge plus my boyfriend brings me my first morning coffee into bed so I can wake up slowly. It makes a huge difference.
amy602 maria76995
DaisyDaze maria76995
I'm a sleeper...I wake and try to stay up but always fall back to sleep. I dream very vividly and sometimes wonder if I dreamt something, or if it really happened. I do not get the "awful" feeling, but I get aggravated that I sleep so heavy.