Waking up and can't breathe!

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I had this twice last night and it's terrifying! 

DOES anyone else have this?

ive asked before but I WONDER... If there's a connection with trapped gas?.. Yesterday was particularly bad for gas for me and I do in fact get short of breath sometimes until up I burp if it's trapped from my stomach...

 I plan to run the standard tests again as last ones indicated lack of ovulation but I had no one to help me interrupt them so maybe it's normal to not ovulate in peri? sad

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25 Replies

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    I'm a week away from my period starting (potentially) if it follows suit and is a week early again like last two cycles but no aching boobs yet so maybe... It will come on time this cycle... 
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      I've had this and it's really scary. I've been battling bad gas since these symptoms started. When it's get in my chest and throat I feel like I can't breathe. So it may very well be trapped gas.
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      Sorry but pleased I'm not alone but it makes sense right? During the day when that build up occurs we are AWAKE and can just burp but in our sleep we can't... At least I don't? Have sleep apnea then sad

      look so after last night my hubby waking me twice cause I was screaming and couldn't breathe il just have a fennel tea right before bed or find some natural remedy that dispels gas cause I'm terrified one night I might NOT wake up when this happens.

      im going to try beg to have a candida test done too, my chiropractor and naturopath also said candid can cause menopause like Symptons and that once they cleared their clients of candida the hormone problems went back to normal! The testing is expensive however

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      I heard that too about candida. An overgrowth of that can cause menopause symtpoms. I can imagine my insurance won't pay for it. I wonder if there is some indication that the doctor might suspect an overgrowth of candida.
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    I had this too.  this sounds like trapped gas.  I take a spoonful of (will just put the first few letters and last letters of the brand, as it will not post here) so it's Gav--con.  Blue bottle, one spoon. hope you know what that is!    just before bed, no discomfort in the morning when i do this, and sleeping through the night now too.   
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    Aw jamie your post is being miderated. I thiught id bring this up with you as you have so much gas. Im going soon to see a Dr who is open to natural remedies and the receptionist said they will order a "comprehensive stool analysis" but... its one thing to say they will then actually do it. I also wondered about h pylori or sibo. But those two wouldbt affect hormones at a guess?
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      Yeah I don't think they would. I'm going to ask my doc about it when I go for my follow up. She seems to listen to my concerns.
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    This exact symptom has sent me to the hospital and caused me to go into  full blown panic attacks so many times. Some say it's the fluctuating hormones. they  affect the smooth muscle on your lungs, causing difficulty breathing. I used to think it was gas as well and have tried EVERY gas product on the shelf with no help, so I am going with it being hormones. I've even been given all kinds of asthma medication with no help. One doctor told me that until my hormones are balanced out, this will not go away and he must be right, I have had it for 8 months now. I try not to panic and slow my breathing down, but some days its just so bad that it really scares me. I completely sympathize with you and know how you feel. I didn't ever have problems like this until peri started. Hugs, I am told by many that it goes away eventually and will get better. 
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      I have had full blown anxiety attacks from this too. I could be doing anything and all of a sudden I feel like I can't breathe. It's horrible. Everytime I go to the ER they tell me I'm breathing fine. Well it sure don't feel like it.
    • Posted

      I too am having difficulty breathing and it scares me more than anything. I  go into panic as well and then I feel like I'm going to pass out.  Thank you for sharing cause it helps me not to get yoo anxious about it. Hugs back to you!!
    • Posted

      Thank you SO MUCH for sharing snowbell smile

      while I try not to blame everything on peri and the cynic in me still has my doubts the simple fact my cycles have gone soo awry it gives me hope it's NOT some heinous disease.. So thank you again.

      ivechad ypthen happen during the day too, it's like I just STOP breathing and I take a huge gasp . But the night ones are truely scary. So much after two episodes in one night maybe I should fork out the money and get saliva tests done cause sure,y thus may put a strain on our hearts? 

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      No problem. Its always scary when you feel as though you can't breathe. Hang in there!
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      Ella, I paid and had my saliva testing done and I am so glad I did. If I had not, I would still be using a massive prescribed dose of progesterone cream when I didn't need it. My own doctor was shocked when she saw my highly elevated progesterone levels. Going off of my symptoms, she thought I was estrogen dominant, when in fact, my estrogen levels were low normal and have been declining. Every time I would apply a dose of progesterone cream, my breathing got even worse. No wonder. Now I am horribly imbalanced and trying to get this excess progesterone out of my system. My blood tests never picked up on any of this. In my humble opinion, I highly suggest getting the saliva testing done.
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      I just read this to my husband. Hes thrown a tantrum as he doesnt believe in any of this sad

      You know what ive been told "estrogen dominance" and also to use progesterone cream. And YOU KNOW WHAT... its when i use progesterone cream this breathing episodes start... so yeh you may be onto something there. And your right pc cream stays in your system for months.

      Why oh why do medical practioners not subsidize saliva tests...

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      Oh my goodness, my husband has done the same! Its so unbelievable that we are not tested before being labled "estrogen dominant".
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      I didn't say about my breathing thing, I was told what I had was a virus. It came on 3 weeks into taking livial.

      Stayed with me from April last year until August. I spent the whole time having to prop on three pillows. Serious worry that it was congestive heart failure. I couldn't breathe when laying down at all. Was checked out at breathing clinic only just passed one of the tests written a lot of encouragement from the lovely nurse. My mum died from fibrosis of the lungs so petrified I had that.

      I'm on a progesterone with my HRT now. First night first dose I thought it was coming back but fine since.

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      I hear you. My hubby demanded I go see the dr rolleyes so I explained NOT SO CALMLY... Lol " IVE BEEN TWICE AND THEY TOLD ME TO B@@@@R OFF" and that even AFTER I explained my mother and grandmother went through meno (started) at 40 they still remained irregular periods are normal at my age and to get over it. You know id happily "get over it"if at the very least the'd organise the appropriate tests and that I can REST EASY I'm not either estrogen dominant or progesterone deficient and end up a menopause statistic on account of not knowing either way because Drs refuse to test.

      I know you know what I mean snowball.. Like your situation excess progesterone is equally as bad as excess E.

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      And to you carmen. I was reluctant to post this bit so glad I did now smile
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      I can appreciate your concern on account of the family history. I wish you the best
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      I have been peri for some time as well ive had the breathing/bloating issue too .i googeled it and found a natural remedy and it works.

      Its as simple as a warm lemon drink.

      I also put lemon in my water bottle as well its great for your intestines ect

      It actually works.

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