Want my symptoms to disappear but I'm afraid to try HRT
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Been suffering lots this last couple of weeks and can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Was diagnosed perimenapause over two years ago and my periods stopped last September. Im suffering mostly with night sweats and anxiety and awful weight gain. I ache all the time, my hair is always lank and hate feeling lethargic all the time. I get very little sleep and my head hurts all the time. I live with my hubby and two grown up sons who don't understand what I'm going through. I feel quite isolated. Thinking of going to the docs to ask for HRT but I'm scared of the risks /side effects. Does it actually work.
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steve75571 anita43142
You say
hubby and two grown up sons don't understand what I'm going through
Get them on this forum to have a read through and educate themselves on what you women have to go through
It may help you all I'd they understand as well.
callianne_65675 anita43142
I do yoga, helps calm my mind (which is a huge step in the right direction). I have also started walking and am doing the NHS Weight loss program. There is tons of support that side too.
I lost 2.5 Kgs in 2 weeks. I had this massive big fat swollen tummy
My hair is also dead. So, I went and had it cut short and decided to go for a 'look' to make me feel better.
Anxiety is horrible. I have it all the time and probably drive my boyfriend mad. I have fears all day long. I used to be a functional, funny, bubbly person that had places to go. Now I hide out at home.
BUT, having lost a bit of weight, doing my exercises and taking B12 and B6 I do feel better. *hugs
anita43142 callianne_65675
Zigangie anita43142
I think why not just give it a try?
I decided to just see if it helped for 3 to 6 months and so glad I did.
It's not a miracle cure but it has made so many things feel better depression and anxiety along with the hot all the time libido and things I think, now for me it has to be worth the risk because my quality of life has improved so much.
anita43142 Zigangie
margaret21458 anita43142
I was a person who dealt with headaches, never taking anything!
I am not into taking anything, not even Aspirin.
I had to do something! My Dr started me on Premerin. I swear taking that and God saved my life.
I still have hot flashes but no where near how they were. Couldn't sleep (was up at the same time every night 3:00 am.) This is not any longer happening.
I was always the first person at the party and the last to go, I became a mild recluse. I don't want to be bothered. Even by my closest friends. Of course they know what I am dealing with and totally understand.
I am just now after many many months hesitantly going here and there again. Get your life back , give HRT a try.
Hopefully it will agree with you and help you like it did me.
Just as long as breast cancer doesn't run in your family. Your Dr will know what you need. I started on lowest dose and bumped up two more levels .
I'm so much better, but also be good to yourself.
And do for yourself.
Your sons and husband have absolutely no idea what we go through. The same with my husband. My kids kept saying, Mom you always sick. And I was feeling horrible everyday! Until HRT.
Put yourself first for a change, stay close to your faith , listen to nice music, read upbeat books. and slowly you will come around. Exercise, if you can by just taking a walk. Eat often but little servings. Some days r better than others. Believe me hormones will help you. And you don't need to stay on them forever....just to help you over the hump.
I hope God blesses you as He did me!
Maggie xo
jewelsy anita43142
I went through all your symptoms and others: Hourly hot flashes so bad that I became nauseated, night sweats, insomnia, horrible anxiety, feelings of gloom and doom, horrible detachment, not feeling myself. debilitating muscle and joint pain, dryness, constipation, bladder weakness and weight gain. I have a mother and sister with breast cancer. It didn't matter. The risk for me was worth it.
I am on Vivelle dot 0.1 (a patch) and medroxyprogesterone pills, 5 milligrams.
Within one week on going on these medications, my symptoms were 50 percent gone. Within 2 weeks I was pretty much back to myself. I have now been on these hormones for 6 years. I am careful to have yearly mammograms and pap smears. I have tried to ween myself off of them, or have forgotten to take them for a couple days and BAM! I am in so much pain that I can hardly get up in the morning and the anxiety and sweats come back with a vengeance. I am now 54. My mother had horrible hot flashes until she was late in her 70s. I am careful to maintain a healthy diet, maintain low body fat, do not smoke, and drink only moderately. I am praying that I stay healthy, but I made the decision, and so far I live a very good life.
This is a little disjointed, but I wanted to weigh in on your question as to whether HRT actually helps.
I hope you find some help. I know how bad it gets!
margaret21458 jewelsy
It really saved my life. I was really out of sorts, I didn't know who I was anymore!
I didn't trust myself in just everyday tasks, driving even made me a bit nervous!
Didn't want and sometimes still don't socialize as I once did. Second guessed myself on everything. I actually lost myself.
Not to mention facing another day, it was an effort to get out of bed. Hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety beyond belief, and all those you just mentioned.
I say give HRT a five star from me. I'm back to me again, not 100% but much much better than I was. I would say, 80% better .
Without HRT, I may have been a 10 out of 100!!! Maybe some days -10.
So now you know why I say I'm doing great, and so grateful to be able to take these hormones.
Thank you God!
Stay healthy,
vix55 margaret21458
love Vicki x
margaret21458 vix55
You will see improvement, I promise you. and it won't be long and you will see slowly you will have your life back again. can I ask what you are taking? Just wondering. Along with Premerin, I also take Wllbrutrin for anxiety. Fighting Through all this menopause , I have also lost a very close cousin of mine to suicide. It's been a rough road but keep your faith, this is most important especially at this time of your life.
You may of lost yourself, but you'll get your life back
Take Care!
Maggie x
vix55 margaret21458
margaret21458 vix55
And it will too, so Hang in there!
I still have a rough day here and there on HRT, just from everyday stresses. but Absolutly no where near what u had prior!
Take care of yourself,
No one else will! This may sound harsh, but so true.
Maggie x
Zigangie vix55
But now bad days are few and far between.
jackied68 anita43142
margaret21458 jackied68
Great Advice!
metamorphed jackied68
anita43142 jackied68
jackied68 metamorphed