Want to hear from others with normal bloods but believe in peri

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just want others imput that havent officially been diagnosed with Peri menopause due to bloods for female hormones coming back normal or even post menopause women who had same experience, ive had bloods done around 4 times now in last year all coming back normal but im experiencing most symptoms that cant be explained to anything else?

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17 Replies

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    LOL I think the symptoms shows up in our tissues before it hits the blood or the hormones likes to hide from the doctors just to make us look crazy! 😃

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    i wasn't aware they was any such blood test that could say for certain you are going through menopause or pre- menopause. age , periods . our own body screaming something isnt right. personally all i know is i havent felt myself for 5 months with every ailment known to man! 49 years old and my life sucks with more issues than i care to mention.

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    That's me! I was actually diagnosed as late perimenopause by a hormone doc just based on symptoms but my bloods turn out within normal range (for the most part) every stinking time. My DHEA is high and some other things have been off, but not to the point of being considered a big deal. I feel stupid when I go to the doctor and it makes me think they think I'm crazy. It's so bad when you are praying that something shows. I have however read that even the SLIGHTEST change can make us feel terrible, especially when it comes to estrogen. My symptoms are: (I'm going to try to put them in chronological order:

    36-39 Temper and profuse sweating from armpits as well as interrupted sleep, SUPER heavy periods with clots

    39: almost some mild OCD symptoms with anxiety; I kept thinking that I left the stove on, my curling iron, etc...

    then MAJOR forgetfulness, feeling restless, depression, feeling off, acne, ringing in ears, dizziness, blood sugar crashes, itching, leg cramps, hot flashes (I didn't know what this even was), feeling flat, losing weight, irregular periods

    At almost 42, I now have periods closer together (like 22 days apart) and they are NOTHING. Two to three days of spotting....just using a panty liner (about three for the whole thing).

    I really hope this helps. I think blood tests are not the right way to test hormones, and I think that we will find this out in the future. I also think there is an optimal range and a normal range. Our optimal is where we are our best and without symptoms...do you agree?

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      thankyou to all that have responded, i have more understanding now, my periods have started to become weird in last year going from 41 days to 23 days and so on, only last 2 days and gone , very light,

      im 44 and convinced im peri, just want to feel normal again.

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    My blood work has been normal, but I haven't had any tests for menopause or hormones. But, hopefully the normal tests rule out anything major that could cause some of the symptoms. The first symptom that caught my attention, though I didn't attribute it to peri, was a racing heart and tingling in my arms and feet. I thought I might be having a heart attack so I went to the ER. They did blood work, did an MRI, and monitored my heart for a day and all was normal, though my potassium was a bit low. I've had electric shocks down my legs, muscles aches in my neck, shoulders, and shoulder blades, leg cramps, foggy brain, odd periods (they come every 22ish days or every 60ish days), nausea, pain below my rib cage, etc. I think most of this can be attributed to peri because the symptoms tend to come and go. Right now, I have cold toes and my shoulder blades are achy. In a week, maybe the leg cramps will return. Who knows? I'm 48 and really hoping this will all come to an end soon!

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      yes one of my main symptons is the racing heart have been cleared by cardiologist to anything wrong, just want it to go back to how it was when i never had to worry.

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      Normal would be quite nice. I've noticed that I get a racing heart more at the start of my cycle. For a few months, I actually kept a chart and listed symptoms day-by-day so I could see if certain things happened at certain times of my cycle. Now I just look back at it for reassurance that whatever odd symptoms I am currently experiencing have happened before.

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    the reason it very difficult to diagnose with a hormone test is the fact the hormone fluctuate on a almost daily basis naturally. its a lack of hormones or lowering of hormones that causes periods every month. Thus meaning the only other way to diagnose is symptoms for peri menopause or no period for 12 months for actual menopause.

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    Yes this has been me for the past ten years, irregular periods but blood work shows up normal. My body is going through all the typical and atypical symptoms of menopause yet my bloods come back normal. It's enough to drive you mad!

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    My bloodwork was normal and my OBGYN said it did not indicate peri/meno. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I am definitely in peri. xo

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    same here. we all know our own bodies better than any doctor. we just need to lean how to be better advocates for our body changes. take care ladies x

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