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Hello Ladies,
I hope you all are having a good day so far.I want to start off by saying that I am in no way diminishing our symptoms or how we are feeling on any given day. This Hell we are all going thru is rough to be sure and we all struggle with many of the same symptoms. We can not let This control our lives, we cant let it dictate where and when we go somewhere. I know that several of you ladies are moms to younger children and you have mentioned how you have pretty much given up on being the mom they deserve because of how you are feeling from one day to the next. DO NOT DO THAT!! We have got to take control of our lives and not give in ( although that is the easiest thing to do) it is not easy but we are women, we are strong and we will persevere ! We have got to accept that menopause is what we are going thru, not who we are. It is a phase of our life and will not last forever. I think the most common complaint is Anxiety. I suffered with this for years before meno, until I decided it would not control me any longer. I was afraid to leave my house because of it. So, I got off the meds and started doing things I enjoyed before, it did not happen overnight but it did happen. I had to train myself to think differently and when anxiety reared its ugly head I kept moving forward and refused to let it stop me. I have not had an attack in years even going thru meno! We have to take control of our symptoms and our lives Ladies, we can not let this hell win! I know how scary and difficult this journey is because I am going thru it myself, with many of the symptoms you ladies suffer from but I have a normal life because I refuse to let it control me. I absolutely have bad days but for the most part they are good. I am not saying anything negative about how someone else is dealing because we are all different, I am just sharing my story because I want all of you to know that you can live a normal life while going thru peri/meno, but that it's up to each individual to decide when they've had enough of missing life and how they will get it back. Hope all of you have the best day ever and sending hugs to all!
5 likes, 18 replies
sharcerv52408 susane84679
Thank you for posting this. I think you are right and for the most part I have learned to just get used to a lot of these symptoms except the really bad ones, like the crashing fatigue. I have to stop sometimes and rest especially when I have to go back and forth with my kids to and from school. That wears me out. But I have learned what my limitations are and I think that is the key to getting through all of this, learning how to not put on ourselves more than we can bear.
Sassyr12a susane84679
Thanks for your post susane,
I try to take the same approach. As you say, it's not easy and every day is different but I have to work, I'm a mum and wife, and want to spend my time in control rather than being frightened. I've done a fair amount of both, I've been in meetings and been shaking head to foot but the fact is I can't let it take over because if I stop working I may as well admit defeat. I'm 44, I'm not gonna. I want to go on holiday, I want to go out, I want to exercise, I want to get as much out of my life as I can while I can. I suffer with the usual symptoms too : pain, dizzyness, anxiety, fatigue etc but I have to balance the bad with the good and meditate, exercise, have hypnotherapy /homeopathy anything that's positive, to maintain some balance. I've got a load of other health problems too UC, illeostomy, ovarian failure, osteoporosis, lichen sclerosis, graves disease and so I've got to kick myself in the butt to keep going xx
pamela2016 Sassyr12a
i can relate to you in so many ways i have UC as well and thats in control right now thank god. but how do you ladies get past all this light-headed dizziness its really to hard.
Sassyr12a pamela2016
Ah a fellow sufferer Pamela 😊
I think with the dizzyness it's unique to everyone. I can get dizzy and light headed just by being dehydrated or lacking some salts (you're probably the same with UC) but most of it plus the feeling off balance, comes from musculoskeletal issues. My neck, shoulders, Lower back and legs get really messed up with my terrible posture! It's seriously amazing how awful you can feel with that, because you have some really big nerves running through the core of your neck and chest. You can have a bad stomach, nausea, dizzyness, headaches, eye issues... You name it, all from your back and neck xx
pamela2016 Sassyr12a
im gonna try a chiropractor for my neck posture see if that helps any i also started taking iron pill this morning as my cycles has been heavier for awhile now all this is just too much to deal with. ive been drinking lots of water lately as im not really a water drinker i take a multivitamin daily as well. i just wish all this will end soon this change does so much to our bodies and minds not to mention dealing with other things like UC horrible. i pray everyday to get through all this. my cycles seems so messed up like i ended two days ago my cycle app says due in 19 days seems to soon to me but thats how its been going for quiet sometime now. i pray my periods dont kill me before getting to the end of all this im sick and tired of having them. my dr looks at me like im crazy ive mentioned my heavier cycles she blows me off. i dont know about all the ladies on here but i used to be able to go all day and not have to change my pad of course i did anyways but didn't need too. now i have to change it three times a day has anyone else seem yo have to change pads more frequently then used too?
sunaina1983 pamela2016
same q i was about to ask...
How to cope with dizziness , heavy head and off balance issues..
how u live normal life with these syntoms ..sometimes o feel its difficult to walk in home only..
How u all manage this plzz suggest ?
sunaina1983 pamela2016
yes...earlier i change pad twice in day but now..no counting ..sometime day only 1 pad on other day flow was soo erratic and heavy i change 4 or 5 pads day ..even in 2 hrs i change 3 pads because of erratic and heavy flow..... and then other day again 2 pads r sufficent for day....my periods become very unpredictable now .
sunaina1983 Sassyr12a
Mam ur lucky that u feel dizzy when ur dehyrated..me feel dizzy and off balance full day..ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Having lots of head pressure which make my life worst.
Try to win these symtoms but off balance issues made me Home bound.
i was too fun loving and nature explorer type of person..But these symtoms made me home bound..its difficult to go out even for shopping or some urgent works..i always try to postpone them....Off Balance issues is most scary symtom for me in Peri .
earlier i donot have any off balance problem in my past . but as Peri started it started and made my life worst ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Hoping for better days .
Hang is there.
pamela2016 sunaina1983
im not managing im in bed most days this isn't something i can just ignore im so fed up with it its robbed my life for sure all other symptoms i can handle.
pamela2016 sunaina1983
mine too i just dont want to bleed to death from all this its all so scary
pamela2016 sunaina1983
hugs to you im right there with you homebound makes me sick something controlling me and my life, but i refuse yo go out feeling like this and people looking at me like wtf is wrong with her. my biggest fear is really falling and injuring my head seriously bad. might be a natural part of life and cant hurt us i beg to differ on that cause dizziness off balance can really hurt us if we fall and hit our heads.
nancys21 pamela2016
OMG! At the end of my peri, I had to change ultra thick pads every hour at least. It was awful! But now 2 years menopausal, I would take my periods and hormones back!
susane84679 pamela2016
hi Pamela, for me I have made it my new normal, meaning i have adapted to the feeling and now i don't even notice it. it just is, if that makes any sense? we were floating the rivers all weekend and you would think that would make it worse but i didn't notice it. i have slept off and on all day because of overwhelming fatigue but all in all I learned to adapt and overcome so I now live my life on my terms and not perimenopause's terms! it's a fight every day but I am winning. sending hugs your way!
tracy43395 susane84679
I have no choice. I can't leave the house alone as my legs don't work and I have severe vertigo.
I have had many problems in my life and just carried on but this has me beaten. I would rather have another heart attack than cope with this. The migraines are so bad that I keep hoping they will find something so at least they can treat them.
susane84679 tracy43395
My heart goes out to you. I know that some have underlying issues that make this journey so much worse. however, it has not beaten you because you wake up every day and you do what you can. vertigo was the very first symptom for me and I was down for 3 days with it. thankfully I have not had it since. may I ask why your legs don't work? are they just weak or is there something else going on? many blessings and hugs sent your way!
Guest tracy43395
I know how you feel Tracy, it is something that has almost beaten me too, the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with in my life. I get the weak/jelly legs, chronic everyday migraines, dizziness, vision problems, sore neck, gas and bloating, dry eye and mouth, tingling, anxiety, spotting daily and the list just goes on and on. Do you take a preventative or anything for your migraines? I have never suffered from migraines before peri, but they hit me out of the blue when I turned 41. It's such a tough road and I feel for and sympathise with you all.
tracy43395 Guest
I have tried every preventative and none work and have awful side effects. I can't take triptans because of a previous heart attack at 42. I am now 50, 6 years into surgical menopause and have no life. I don't know how much longer it can go on. I was a bit better on hrt but can't have that anymore.
kelly55079 tracy43395
Hi Tracy,
I'm sorry your going thru this-- It must be awful and hopefully all will be better soon. Have you tried acupuncture for migraines? I thought I was reading somewhere that for some it does provide relief.. You might want to look into it for your legs and vertigo too.