We must drink water!

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Hi to all us menopause sufferers! cheesygrin  It's important to drink at least 2 big glasses of water each day or more.  I feel like the Sahara Desert most days. smile  My mouth is soooo dry.  Everything is drying up!  sad  I read we lose sooo much moisture with menopause that we have to put water back in our body manually.  I get tired of drinking water as it's so blah tasting.  I bought Crystal Light Drink Mix which is just a small purse size bottle to keep handy. Just a wee squirt of flavour in our water bottles helps the intake of that water we need.


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33 Replies

  • Posted

    I agree...I try to drink as much as I can each day.

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      Hi there toddpodd...you are doing good then dear .. I don't drink enough and get sick of the blah taste! I hate peeing every 10 minutes cheesygrin redface
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      The crystal Light helps to give taste.  I just used some now.  Gee much better. winkeek  I had forgotten about that stuff so thought I should share.
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    Lol yes the peeing every 10 min gets old fast...but i do try to drink as much as i can...
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      hi ladies  ( tried to post this yesterday but as it had a website name it got stopped)

      water is good, but if you have **water retention then this may interest you.

      Some believe that since your body isn’t releasing enough water, the first thing that should be done is to increase the amount of water that you are drinking daily. Most people are going to tell you to reduce the amount of salt that you are taking, and this may help to a certain extent but there is something important you need to understand about salt and drinking water.Too much salt without enough water is going to cause problems with water retention.

      Too much water without enough salt is going to cause another problem, a reduction in the vitamins and minerals that are contained inside of your body.

      this site i got this info and something i remember from a few years ago through a discussion explains that * water retention during menopause is generally not due to some serious underlying condition but simply because the kidneys get tired of working so hard and, alas, fluid is retained. 

      ****Contrary to popular medical advice that you should drink lots of fluids, a menopausal woman might want to cut back on her fluid intake and see if that helps eliminate some of her water weight gain.

      However, if you notice that your hands, fingers, feet and ankles are swelling consistently, something other than simple water weight gain might be going on. If you press down on your skin and it remains dented afterward this may indicate edema and you should check with your physician.

      In order for you to get rid of the water retention that you are experiencing and to kick your health level up a notch or two, you need to fully hydrate your body. The way that you do this is by drinking half of your body weight every day in ounces of water. You should also be taking a pinch of natural sea salt every time you drink a glass of water. If you do this every day, you will begin to notice a difference in the amount of water that you are retaining. 

    • Posted

      That's interesting,I was never told that at meno onset,past 2 years I've been on a B P tablet,not bad considering my age ,and first BP prob  so I've to watch salt intake,but it's good advice to early meno.Waters good for ones muscles to,as we get older,so osteopath tells me,love what you ladies talk about,you certainly know more than I did at 48 .wish I had this info given back then,certainly done your homework on it.The Gyne is the pits,especially if no go to HRT.left to sorting this out yourself,so these sites are good .
    • Posted

      Hi Marlene

      its all interesting isnt it, been researching it all for 10 years 😃

      been in peri almost 10 years... natural all the way... almost at the one year meno reached mark now..

      like you say, its stuff your not helped with, my doc here in spain is useless..

      have a great afternoon.. im off for my swim now..

      Jay xx


  • Posted

    Good point to make Dottie ,I started meno at 48 ,and began water on dr advice,I'm  now 67 this month and continue to take on water,start as soon as I wake ,I've drank 150 mls plus every day since start of meno,extra during summer months ,good for meno headaches,I was lucky as far as hot flushes got easier as meno went on ,but even at my age now they still come along.Winter meno I find lot better,it's summer and meno I'm still not comfortable.So yes to water a must.
    • Posted

      Hi Marlene I forget to drink it so I thought I would mention it.  Just fresh cold water itself is the best.  I remember my sister hates the blah taste and she said she drinks tea.  But that's not the same.  It should be plain old water to wash away bacteria in the body.  When in the hospital they always hook you up to intervenous with fresh clean water.  smile. Keep smiling dear smile thank you.
  • Posted

    I agree but this is very difficult for me even with flavor in it. I'm just not into drinking aside from what I wash down my meals with but I need to be more disciplined in this area.
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      Hi Sharcerv:  Plug your nose cheesygrin or drink in the morning and get it over with.  That's what I do. hehe
  • Posted

    I totally agree I am always thirsty and dry mouth it's unbelievable and usually at night too! Water always... 😊xx
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      Travis oh yeah in the middle of the night, my mouth is sooo dry.  I have a glass in the bathroom so I can fill it up and guzzle.  I need a potty beside the bed!redface 

      I chew gum when my mouth is sooo dry when I am out of the house.  That helps to create saliva and moisture cause I can't carry water all the time.


    • Posted

      I get tired of the same blah taste but we must drink it.  sad
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      Yeah that's when my thirst hits me...at night but of course there's always that double whammy of peeing all night.
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      I gotta make sure I got a liner on before I leave the house.  Not knowing when ya gotta pee from all that damn water is brutal if there is no washroom handy.redface  cry
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      Hey Sharcerv I wake up my husband and the dog when I get up and that's usually a couple times in the night.  I am going to get kicked out soon! cry  Do you have a spare bedroom? biggrin
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      Hey Travis I am getting close to Depends redface
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      And Sharcerv understands my cries smile 
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      I am toooo young to wear depends! mad
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      Had a chuckle at the water comments tonight,and I'm sat here with an ice bag on my shoulder from liftining a heavy garden china pot.holding on to shoulder to chuckle at depends ,that must be incontinence pads here.not come to those just yet.time will come I'm sure.Balance keeps me close to home ,and the loo.Glad I live in a bungalow  no stairs with the balance to worry about.
    • Posted

      Hey Marlene you shouldn't be lifting heavy pots dear.   I better not be close to depends?  I am too young to wear diapers dear.   I do joke about it with my husband. It's better to laugh than cry.  Laughter is good medicine and I need lots of both!  Between this forum, laughter and my Faith that will heal me one day!  Hope I don't have to wait toooo long dear. cry
    • Posted

      Hey Marlene the kegal excercises help me big time!    redface  cry
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      One thinks oh I can do that,lift a pot no prob,Told husband won't be doing that again where it's so sore,Gardens a fair old size,takes a lot to keep up ,can see gardener soon on the horizon for us.think laughing s a good medicine,should all do it more.Look forward to the day the last bad hormones left home.
    • Posted

      Good thing to do ,can do them anywhere,think when you've had children,it's a good thing to start doing,saves grief as you get older long term ,my daughter has no children ,but she does them,we had to explain it to her dad he's clueless,as most blokes are,hey but he says he's had 2 children,now that's a laugh straight off,tell him no I had 2 children.MEN ! 
    • Posted

      Hiya Marlene, that's funny....being on here is more fun than gardening anyways biggrin

      we have one daughter with no sights of doing the marriage/children slave thing smile She likes her freedom and starting college in the Fall so she wants a career instead.  Children are a lot of work and worry anyways. rolleyes

    • Posted

      Hi Dottie afternoon here in UK ,looks like going to rain,My rhinitis won't like it,but not a sunshine lover.

          My daughter is 43,married 10 yrs ,and son 47 again no kids,so no grandchildren,daughter heading for the meno,starting to get her old mums symptoms,when no children you can hit meno 5 yrs early,so I was 48 ,she says great mum,bless her , tell her all I know,less scary ,less worry,take steps she can to going through it,what mums do.

         Think more young ones want careers,who can blame them,get married later ,as my girl has done.Done what she wanted before settling down.

         Hope you have good day Dottie,

    • Posted

      Greetings Marlene!  My mom went thru menopause with ease so why am I suffering?  It's not fair! smile Your daughter just may be the lucky one.  We never know.  It may be a good day as I am feeling okay today and it's only 9 am so I try to get things done on the good days cause I will tell you I am a pathetic couch potato on bad days!  Have a good day and keep flushing out those toxins with water!!  I know I feel better after I guzzle! smile smile xo
    • Posted

      My old mum had it bad ,as did her sisters,yes I hope my girl gets it better,always comes for a mum cuddle,when not to good ,were a big cuddling family.my mum died when I was 31 so didn't have her to ask any of her probs ,but I can recall some of her symptoms,now my elderly aunt tells me anything she knows,even at my age ,she's in her 80 s and a gem,again Dottie I can still go on learning about this meno symptoms.think I'd know it all but it can still be problematic,one size don't fit all hey.I stick to female dr ,my daughter does the same ,men Drs haven't got our Gyne make up,so best to get female for meno,got all we've got knows where your talking about  inside. When describing it in detail.Best advice I'd give another female at this age.,get a female dr on board.Im on the 2 nd  bottle water so far.x
    • Posted

      Greetings Marlene!  Not motivated yet!  Need my vitamins smile. I agree women doctors for women cause we are built so different from men.  No way men can even begin to understand us no matter how much studying they do rolleyes cheesygrin  We are a hug and kissy family too.  Makes a strong bond dawwww cheesygrin  We have to try and find what's best for us cause we are all built different even though we are all women.  I feel a burst of energy....wish me luck.....
    • Posted

      You go girl,Vits do you good hey,make the most of any given day,even when you don't feel like it,burn those hormones off.Yea I wish you luck and others on site this day,things can only get better.once arms better will be up and running again.walking at my age,running days long gone Ha! Ha!

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