Weak and wobbly
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does anyone get feelings like all of a sudden something very strange is happening - kind of hard to describe but like very light headed, extremley weak, like you just want to fall to the floor and collapse. ? then it passes after a while. A good way to describe it I think is like when you've had a huge shock and something terrible has happened - it's horrible.
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maria45873 Fairy28
I just got up from sofa feeling lime thsy, have to go out for some milk and hope to get to the shop
I just hate how it makes me feel
We have to live with this daily I no idea when it will end for us
All I ever do is hide away it stinks
Fairy28 maria45873
Oh gosh how awful for you....... Ive felt like this for ages now and I can't stand it because it's so random and you don't know when it's gonna happen as it can happen anywhere at anytime making you scared to go out . I would describe it like someone's just told me something dreadful and im in shock, just so awful........three years so far and it's not getting better , how about you ?
julesmsw Fairy28
Fairy28 julesmsw
awful to say but I'm glad I'm not alone - do you also feel almost as if you're in shock after someone's told you something terrible ? that's how it feels ??
louise44105 Fairy28
Hi Lou. I think I know what you mean. I thought I was having a stroke when I experienced this! Apparently it's normal. It's almost like an out of body experience. I don't get it all the time, perhaps a few times a month. It's a very strange feeling x
Fairy28 louise44105
Hi Louise, oh how horrible for you and yes that's exactly how it feels - really strange and it's almost like you have absoloutley no control over it in any way, it completly takes you over and you can't stop it - like I say almost like you've had a horrible shock and you go all weak and shaky, shock like ? X
louise44105 Fairy28
Yes, and it's just one symptom in a long list of peri symptoms that I'm battling with. I've found the best strategy is to accept it's all normal, try to remain as calm as possible, and focus more on the good stuff. Hard to do, but you'll eventually get used to these symptoms and you'll find it easier. Wishing you all the best x
Fairy28 louise44105
Yes that's right just one of the horrible 66 symptoms and some ! It's just reassuring to know we're not alone on this nasty journey - we must try to focus on the hope that one day things will be better again. Hugs to you x
jaimie44465 Fairy28
Fairy28 jaimie44465
patricia16507 Fairy28
Hi Lou
Yes!!!!! I have this and it is one of the worst symptoms I have. It's not there all the time but b tends to be worse mid cycle or around period time. I have a suspicion it's something to do with my adrenals because it's like an exaggerated fight-flight response that is way out of proportion for the events that may be happening. I also get strange thoughts, like small things I think about make my heart beat faster, like I'm stressing about every little thing. It tends to just switch off, exactly like that and I'll be right until the next exciting episode!!.
marie25874 Fairy28
Oh yes! And it completey freaks me out which then leads right into a panic attack. I don't know if its hormonal - it would probably be good to track when they happen. And its very difficult to describe to someone - "out of body" as someone else said is probably the best. Honestly, with all the other horrible symptoms of perimenopause, this is one of the worst (and scariest) for me.
Fairy28 marie25874
Guest Fairy28
Hi Lou....i had 3 of these episodes about 2 years ago. They were months apart but scared me. I would be doing something and feel fine when all of a sudden this feeling would come over me. It only lasted about 30seconds but i would feel like was going to collapse....it is like a shock or something like a surge. I would feel like i was heavy and almost like i was going to die. I can't explain it but so scary. I haven't had one for over a year so thankful for that. Another weird thing that has happened to me since 45....now 48 and not looking forward to what is coming
looloo43 Fairy28
Hi Lou. Yes. although many of my peri symtpoms have been dramatically improved with hrt since april, I do get attacks of what you describe. I just suddenly feel dizzy/lightheaded/faint it feels like I'm going to keel over or pass out. I get it once or twice a week roughly. I put it down to spikes/lows in hormones as they can fluctuate all the time in fact. It is a bit frightening as it feels like I'm going to pass out, but I tell myself I never have actually passed out, so it's unlikely to happen. Its almost like a panic attack without palps. xx
Fairy28 looloo43
Hi looloo, so sorry you have these episodes too it seems like quite a few of us do its so dreadful........I went to my daughters today which is quite a long drive but that was ok. We walked to the shops and as we got there I had another one, I knew it was coming so had to sit on a bench and put my head between my knees until it passed - after a bottle of water it did pass but this is all so horrible and makes me not want to go anywhere. This is three years into surgical meno and trust me it's not getting better, I don't know what to do to be honest I feel so horrible most of the time - im in two minds to ring my consultants secretary and ask for an appointment and consider HRT of some kind despite the migraines, I feel so bloody I'll and every day there's something. My GP is absoloutley useless so I can't go to him - what do we do ? do we just wait forever to feel better but my question is to everyone WILL we ever feel better ? God I hope so as this is just miserable ?? x
looloo43 Fairy28
Hi Lou. the hrt i am on has also eliminated the frequent headaches i was getting. there are much "gentler" forms of hrt these days that would be worth discussing with your consultant even if you do suffer migraines. the topical forms like oestrogen gel, or patches, creams may indeed be suitable for you to try with close monitoring of migraines. if your migraines are possibly hormone related, it could even help them. nothing to lose by discussing it with your consultant. xx