
Posted , 8 users are following.

Does anyone get weakness on just one side sometimes??Ive noticed that my left arm and leg seem more weak then my other side at times...but i also broke my wrist on that side about 5 years ago and never got full strength back in it..so i spose hormones are playing their part in making it worse somedays....plus been having the great joint pain and snap crackle pop when i move....elbow on left side pops about everytime i move it.....and knees are bad....gotta love it i guess....NOT!!!!lol...Also my test for tumor came back negative!!!:-):-):-)

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Laurie 

    first ... So pleased your result came back negative ..

    i have had weakness etc but generally all over ..

    still in the mornings when i get up i feel like my ankles need oiling 😄

    always tight and stiff until i get going ..

    take care hun

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Thank you Jay...Yes mornings are the worse for me...wake up shaking and weak and stomach is awful...very slowly thru the day i feel better and by supper time im good and ready to eat eat eat....crazy stuff is all i can say...was on couch most of day yesterday and its just all very frustrating...only feel decent maybe 3 days out of month anymore...Thanks again Jay and hope your doin well!!!!xxxx
  • Posted

    Hi Laurie,

    I get the all over weakness. I have been feeling really bad since Sunday. Weak, nausea, headache, dizzy! I had been feeling pretty good, and then on Saturday I just started to feel a little off. Then it hit full force on Sunday. Ugh!!!! 

    Hope you feel better soon!


    • Posted

      Thanks Kim...you just never know with this stuff...i cherish everyday i feel good...which is rare lately...Hope you feel better soon!!!xxx
  • Posted

    Thanks ladies!!!!!

    Just having you wonderful ladies to talk with is great medicine for the soul. 

  • Posted

    Hello Ladies! 

    Yes I can identify with the weakness all over and the ankles feeling like they need to be oiled.  Lol! I get the stomach problems too and sometimes can't eat a meal unti dinner. When I can eat I make up for lost time and that leads to indigestion. It's a viscious cycle. 

  • Posted

    Hi Laurie,

                     yes I have experienced general weakness (but particularly in an injured ankle which keeps playing up) an old injury. I find that I ache all over. neck, lower back, wrists, the pain from my R ankle was so bad last week I called in a the Minor Injuries Unit to have it checked over as I thought I must have A DVT, and it measured 1cm more on the calf than the L but NAD on blood tests........................

    I'm just as bewildered as you hun, MENO/PERI MENO symptoms HORRENDOUS for some of us eh? cry

  • Posted

    sounds like hemiparesis. certainly I am not a doctor, but read that hemiparesis is weakness of the entire left or right side of the body. Hemiplegic is its most severe form, complete paralysis of half of the body. Often raises the suspicion of a stroke, a neurological condition caused by an interruption in the blood supply to the brain. Many possibilities exist, and depend somewhat on your age, your risk factors, and the nature of your symptoms. Transient one-sided body numbness or weakness (lasting for example for minutes up to 30 minutes then resolving) could be due to migraine (the aura of migraine, in which case following the numbness, a headache occurs) or seizures. Lastly, stress can cause symptoms as you describe. Treatment for hemiparesis is the same treatment given to those recovering from strokes or brain injuries.

    Get well soon.


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