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hi ladies

does anyone feel weak in the arms and legs some days? like a water bottle is too heavy to lift to drink. and even like your hands are weak and slow to type? and nauseous. even smelling food makes me want to puke last few weeks

for women who have gone thru it for awhile does symptoms get easier in time? please!? im 1 yr in.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    I've had this for 17 years. Mine got better in time, but I still have it several days each week. 

  • Posted

    Maybe you should consider going on some type of hormone replacement. I had this and once I went on the pill, it all went away.
    • Posted

      how long have u been on hormones? when you stop does the symtpoms come back or are you on forever? i was thinking of doing that but the risks scare me
    • Posted

      I was on them for a year but because some women scared me I went off of them. If I would have stayed on them for 3 years I would not have gotten the symptoms back but because I went off of them early they all came back. I tried to go back on them but it didn't work anymore. So, my doctor put me on other medication that worked but again I went off of them. Then I went on home remedies that semi worked, until I took St. John's wort and everything stopped.

      I will tell you that I was high risk for the pills because I have blood clot issues. I had a blood clot rupture when I was 36, at the time I wasn't taking any medication of any type. My doctor didn't think there was much concern, and said that the benefits out weighed the risk since I wasn't going to be on them long term. So I took a chance but I was being monitored. If you have blood clot issues then I can understand, but if you don't then I don't see any reason why you wouldn't try it. 

    • Posted

      You said you took St. John's wort? Did it raise your blood pressure at all? I am interested in taking it but if it will raise my bp then I'd have to reconsider. I am on bp meds but i wouldnt want to take that chance. Is there anything similar to St. John's wort that I can take?

    • Posted

      If you give me the name of the blood pressure medicine you take I can look it up and see if it's on the list for contraindications.

    • Posted

      I am on Valsartan(Diovan). It has terrible side effects! I just asked my doctor to switch me back to my previous bp medicine, Amlodipine. I'm waiting to hear back from her regarding that.

      Yeah I feel like I am having a terrible time with peri. My symptoms seem to get worse the further along I go into peri. I haven't found anything that will works for me as of yet that will help alleviate these symptoms.

    • Posted

      I just looked it up, you cannot take Amlodipine with St. John's wort. It has life threatening consequences. You still have your ovaries right? There is a homemade remedy we use in our culture that helps reduce the effects of perimenopause. If you're interested in learning how to make it, send me a pm and I'll give you the recipe which is very simple. It really helps to calm the effects.

  • Posted

    Yes! I actually feel the weak feeling sensations..I can lift but the sensation f weakness feeling is there
  • Posted

    This will go away I had it bad at one point but only lasted about two weeks then another symptom came about hope you feel better soon god bless
  • Posted

    yes my lovely i like others get this apart from the food making me feel sick sometimes i just wake up and feel sick as sochima says herbal remedies  are very good when you find the right ones to suit x 
  • Posted

    Well. I feel like that when I'm in the middle of my month and lots more unpleasant feelings.

  • Posted

    I had this a couple of weeks ago for a few days but it has happened a few other times. But then it just passed . So I am glad to hear it's not unusual.

  • Posted

    I don't get the nausea but I do wake up most mornings with hands like a bunch of bananas - and about as useful! It takes a while before they start working properly. What's THAT about?eek

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