Week four and feeling dreadful

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Now on week four and feeling so low - anxious and lots of negative and suicidal thoughts.  I'm really worried, don't know what to do...

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33 Replies

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    agree that you should be more patient and consult a doc if you need more advice, especially before thinking about drastic actions that I assure you won't help you or anyone who cares about you. I have been on all kinds of meds trying to make sense of this screwed-up world for close to 20 years it so and take 150mg/day of sertraline..yeah, it gets crappy some days, but not all the time. There are things to do, people who can help, and we can beat it, Believe me!


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      Thanks for the reply Dave.  How are you feeling on 150mg?
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    Oh, I'm so sorry, I know your anxiety. Did you mean you are four weeks on a drug or now four weeks since coming off?   I am 10weeks off Zoloft. My anxiety was off the charts and yes the bad thoughts creep in.  I did A LOT of slow, deep breathing every time it got crazy. It works, though you have to do it often. I also started bach flower drops that's called a rescue remedy at the health food store.  They can't hurt.  I also pray and ask for help often. In that 10 weeks, I have taken one .5 Xanax when it was too much to bare.  A very powerful drug NEVER to be taken often.  That one dose seems to have reset me and I'm so much better.  I try to walk often, that really helps and I repeat over and over to myself, out loud, I am healthy, I am happy, I am grateful.  Good luck. Bless you.
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      Hi it's been four weeks since I started it.  I'm assuming I'm feeling worse because of the side effects of starting it.
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      Hi ya how u doing I'm on day 21 of increse from 100 to 150mgs of sertraline still got anxiety
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      Sorry. I didnt have problems while on meds, just coming off.
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    Everyone does react differently. When I began taking it at 50mg, it seemed to "work" quickly. That was 1.5 years ago. Looking back, and dealing with about a 50 pound weight gain now, I don't think it ever "balanced" me. I simply went from being depressed and angry to feeling numb. At the time, numb seemed like happy because I wasn't so angry or depressed. From what I understand, if an SSRI is not giving you positive results within 4 weeks, and definitely by 8 weeks, which is the variance between different people responding within different time frames, then talk to you doctor about trying something else. I'm now weaning off, and as I've mentioned in a couple of other threads, my new doctor wants me to take fish oil (a specific goal of increasing "EPA" to between 1000-1500mg per day). He said that studies have shown it to have the same positive benefits as sertraline, but without the negative side effects. NOW, this is in my own words, and not what he said verbatim, so definitely ask your doctor before trying anything like the fish oil. I, too, was having anxiety, which wasn't one of my issues before taking it in the first place. Like another poster said, be kind to yourself. Sometimes it can take a few tries to find the right medication. I wish you luck... either in getting positive results soon, or finding something better if not.
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      Hi.  Thanks so much for your reply.  I'm hoping it's still early days so will give it a few more weeks.  I'm not expecting miracles either.  I've had the same experiences as you on other anti-depressants, made me feel a bit numb,  Interesting about the fish oil, I really hopes it works for you.
  • Posted

    Hi orangedog, sorry your feeling so awful, i was on 50mg for the first 16 days then upped it to 100mg for 1 week and i still feel bad too, the doctor said i need to give it more time, do you find it difficult to sleep, my slepp is awful still.
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      Hi Chery

      When I first started sertraline I was the same kept getting up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep it dose get better from what I can remember it took me about 3 weeks but everyone's different x

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      thanks for your reply, i just pray that eventually i will sleep normally again, i seemed worse when i went up to 100mg more anxious and the doc said it was nothing to do with the increased meds. im not convinced. 
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      That's what happens when you increase the dose it takes time to kick in and settle down you will get there x
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      thankyou, thats good to hear, i thought i was going mad, i have to keep taking diazepam which the doctor gave me but i dont like having to keep taking them. are you feeling better now??
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      Just started to have a few good days it's a hard journey but for what I've he'd it's worth it I started on 50mg for 5 weeks then 100 for 4 weeks had numb/foggy head so doc said it was to high so went to 75mg for 2 weeks no joy so doc said go back up to 100mg a week ago and had 2 good days then today not as good but I feel I can cope better on the bad days
    • Posted

      My sleep isn't too bad because the doctor started me off on mirtazapine 15mg - an anti-depressant but at that low dose it acts like a sleeping pill.

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