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Have anybody lost weight from this bad perimenpause. My weight goes up when I get junk food when I don't eat it my weight goes down now it's droping Is anybody doing this. Anybody having skipping heart beats. Somebody help me I don't know what to do about all the symptoms I am having

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, i have struggled to keep weight on at times. I have bouts of depression, moodswings and stomaach issues that don't encourage eating which doesn't help my weight. I also get palpitations. It's scary I know.

    Have u had Any testing done or tried any supplements? Each of us on on the the same road together. Trying to find something that works to alleviate the symptoms while we journey over this bumpy road. Hang in there!!

  • Posted

    Hi Kim, my weight dropped quite abit 2 years ago when I started menapause but it’s stanle now, dont put it on and don’t loose it.  And yes also skipping heart beats. All part of mental worse luck xx
  • Posted

    my weights gone up wish i was losing weight. the thing is iv lost muscle like my bum vanishing and uper arms geti g floppy even thoe i go gym but my bellys got bigger wnd  my face fatter. im eari g less and doi g more and still im heavyer. i read meno makes you lose weight in bottom and sttuff and you lose your womanly curves and gain a fat belly as  fat helps with estrogen and so it piles it on on tum  i dont know but id do anythi g to lose a stone.
  • Posted

    my heart palpatations have stoped i was having them a lot very worriei g they are but i dont have them now and i havnt had a period since end of  october so i think i might be done now. so maybe heart palpatations dont last so dont worry.
  • Posted

    Yes, I loose weight when I watch what I eat, I get the skipping heart beats, worried more now. Panic attacks which I never had, always second guessing myself, hard to sleep at night then don't want to get out of bed in the morning

  • Posted

    Yes both of those. I had a hard time keeping weight on. I finally was able to put on about 20 lbs that i desperately needed. I did jave to eat somewhat unhealthy though. Otherwise it just wasn't happening. When I was very thin, my heart would have some funny beats and felt like I was passing out but i think just hormones can do that too

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      I struggle with my weight going through perimenpause. Yes I knows if I eat juck food I would put it back on but when I don't eat I lose it. So how long did you struggle with your weight going through perimenpause.

    • Posted

      I would say about a year. But, anytime my health anxiety kicks in, i start dropping weight again. I have to force myself to eat when im not hungry
  • Posted

    Dear Kim

    Yes I lost weight in peri with all my stomach issues then I gained weight and am now back to what I was two years in menopause. Skipped heartbeats are one of many peri/meno symptoms so you are not alone. I had aload of peri symptoms that come and go even now x

    • Posted

      How long did you Struggle with weight

      Everything start in 2016 for me it to much for me.

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      Dear Kim

      I think it took about a year for myvweight to level off again

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      Does it take some women's longer for they weight to settle so every woman is different going through perimenpause. Because my weight up when I eat unhealthy food than it goes down when I don't eat it. Does perimenpause does all of this.

    • Posted

      Dear Kim

      I think everyone is different, my weight still goes up when I eat abit unhealthily, I think to maintain long term weight control it has to be a continuous effort to keep it off

  • Posted

      Nov and Dec I didn't have an appetite so I lost 10 lbs.  Now I'm craving junk so my weight is creeping up..  Really wish I was losing weight like so many others..   Heart palpitations are strange but from what I read it's normal.  I am up for a visit with GYN next month so we'll see.

  • Posted

    Does anybody feel normal one minute than strange the next from perimenpause. Does anybody know how long does this last
    • Posted

      What I am saying it's seen like the symptoms has lift. Now it feel like I am going to lose it. It's like they came back like your not your self no more.

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