Weight gain "!!!

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I was originally put on HRT ( PremPak ) by my GP because of mood swings and almost non existent periods. However he still kept me on the pill just to safe guard against pregnancy.  6 months later my GP put me on a higher dosage of PremPak, changed my pill to Noriday, but also put me on fluoxetine ( Prozac ) because of my mood swings. I never had hot sweats or any other bad symptoms ?

I am now in my third year of taking HRT and my weight is increasing...even though I go to the gym 2 or 3 times week . I eat healthily also, but the weight increase is really getting me down, and I can't seem to lose it...

Do I stop the HRT? Stop the Prozac? .... Can anyone offer advice please ?...

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I also have experience weight gain since HRT,  I am weaning off, I have been on them 5 years now.
    • Posted

      The weight has just gradually crept on.. Until now it's really bothering me . I take the Prozac for mood swings , but my weight really depresses me. 

      By weaning off them , what do you mean.. Reduced dosage or reduced intake ? The problem for me is I work abroad quite a lot so it's hard to keep going to my GP ....

  • Posted

    Hi Julie,

    I don't know if the meds are responsible for the weight gain, since you were on them for at least 3 yrs without weight gain, right? 

    I started to gain weight a what seemed like break neck speed the beginning of this past year. I wasn't on any meds at the time and aside from now taking supplements, am not now. I have gone from 129-33 lbs to 148 lbs ( I weighed myself this past weekend). The only thing that has really changed is that I am getting deeper into the Peri and God I hope soon-Meno phase. I haven't changed my eating habits, if anything, I eat less now. I used to be one of those people who could eat whatever an not gain an ounce. Not anymore. I do exercise somewhat, hard to stay motivated at this point but I do anyway.

    So check with your doctor, they can always look at your thyroid (and yes, mine was totally normal sad, only sad because I wanted a legit reason for this weight gain- I feel like I'm being followed but it's only the large heiney I developed -hate it!)

    Good Luck dear-hope the doc can sort it out for you!

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Hi Annie 

      no the weight has gradually crept on. At first it Santa a problem , but when clothes get tight and I don't want to go out much, I feel it's a problem now . 

      I work away quite a lot so don't have chance to see my own GP very often. When you talk to Doctors abroad they don't know your past history etc so often can't help much. 

      I have  always been active with the gym etc and don't eat huge amounts of food , or consume lots of alcohol  so I am struggling to understand what is happening to me ?

      some people say it's the HRT, others tell me it's the Prozac. I'm not sure who to believe , if anyone. I just need to lose weight and at least feel happy in myself again ! 

  • Posted

    When I went on the lower dose of Prempak C 3 years ago now, I actually lost weight without even trying!!  I don't think I was in the full throws of peri at the time though.  I was just having hot flushes and trying to control them which the hrt didn't help.  I tried the higher dose Prempak but it gave me really bad migraines so I came off it.  I'm now putting weight on gradually but I think it's more a case of I'm getting more menopausal symptoms than the hrt making me increase my weight.  I think women naturally gain weight during the menopause and then after maybe lose it again?  My friend did exactly that!

    Maybe a combination of all your medications is causing the weight gain?  I'd go back to you doctor to review your meds.

    Good luck .

    • Posted

      Thanks elaine... Not sure I enjoy this getting older business ! 

      I will go back to my GP the next time I'm home . 

  • Posted

    Hi Julie I too kept gaining weight I went on the five two duet and have been successful and have lost a stone in weight. It also stays off so worth have a go. 
    • Posted

      what is five two duet?  I am in the USA, can I get it here?  I know its a long shot lol!
    • Posted

      Hi sorry mistyped you eat for two days a week only 500 calories a day can be any two days mon and Thursday ir Tuesday and Friday its up to you. Then the rest of the week eat normally but check online against how many pounds you weigh what the recommended amount of calories are to lose weight. Once you get into it it really works. Good luck 
    • Posted

      Be strong in the first week after that it gets easier. I do plain yoghurt and fruit in a morning one fishcake and salad lunchtime and chicken and veg at night . Google the diet you can pick up tips from that and the books are in Amazon. The books concentrate on two meals a day but I can't do that also homemade vegetable soup is great for filling you up. Lots of luck. 
    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice and tips...

      I will keep you updated !

  • Posted

    I feel same I have stopped HRT as from yesterday so will see how I get on with weight but it just keeps piling on and I can't cope with that and only thing I can think off is the hrt I got Prozac too but don't take them x

    • Posted

      I have read that hrt can cause bloating and fluid retention too , am on low dose so hopefully my horrible menopause symptoms don't come back if they do I will try something different from hrt x

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